Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Frank And Jeff Went Fishing Yesterday Afternoon ...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Exploding Star Targets, Damn That Looks Like Fun ...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Frank Went Fishing Yesterday Afternoon Down At ...

a local creek. He had a great time for the short time he was able to fish. He did not catch as many as usual probably because the water was still off color from the recent rain. He was glad to be able to get out to fish this spot on the creek. Access is usually gated off but he noticed the other day the gate was not up so he took advantage of the opportunity and went fishing. The road to the creek skirts the edge of a city park and once he gets to the creek, his truck is out of view. It is raining again today so it will be a while before the water clears up.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Oh Crap ... Who Divided By Zero ???
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Pretty Well Sums It Up ...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Dudley Won Another Auction On Ebay ...


Thursday, June 24, 2010
Dudley Found A Treasure On Ebay Last Night ...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
US Military Snipers Get Paid For Doing Their Job And They Have A Sense Of Humor ...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Dudley Got The Call He Has Been Waiting For ...

Monday, June 21, 2010
Dudley Bought A Fly Reel On EBay ...


the other day. It is a decades old Pflueger Medalist and was made in the U.S.A. The reel has been upgraded with new improved parts and is so much nicer than the junk they are importing from China these days. Dudley has seen quite a few similar reels sell for two hundred dollars and up so Dudley felt pretty good about getting this one for $102.50. Dudley likes collecting things. Always has and always will. Dudley has collected briar pipes, pipe tobacco and has a collection of fishing lures and tackle. And then there is the collection of hunting and fishing books. A collection of toys, GI Joe's 40th Anniversary sets and Hot Wheels Classic sets. Dudley is now enjoying collecting quality fly fishing rods and reels. Dudley's wife spends her money going to the beach. Dudley spends his collecting things. Dudley is not able to go deer hunting much any more but he enjoys hunting on EBay. When a vacation to the beach is over, it is over. There is nothing left but the memories. Collections are more tangible, more lasting and to some, more worthwhile.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day Dad ...

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Dudley Is Home Alone, Holding Down The Fort ...

Friday, June 18, 2010
Dr. John - How Come My Dog Don't Bark ???
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Cowboy Hits The Mark ...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Frank Got Back Home This Morning From His Trip To The Coast ...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Frank Called Yesterday Evening With A Fishing Report ...

from the Texas Coast. He said they were back at the condo on Padre Island after a trip to the Landcut. He said he fished all night from sundown on Sunday until sunrise on Monday. He said the Bullreds did not show this trip but that they did catch some undersized "Rat" Reds that they threw back. He said they caught a total of 24 keeper trout. Frank said they were up to almost twenty inches in length. Frank said he caught the biggest trout of the trip on Dudley's old graphite fly rod and reel. He also caught the most keeper trout of this trip. Frank said he caught eight keeper trout total and that he caught five on the fly rod. Dudley bought him a small saltwater popper and some shrimp and crab flies shown above from Jim Green of Tyler, TX. He ties some of the best flies around. The quality is second to none and his prices are reasonable also. Frank said they trout were tearing into the little brown crab fly. He tied it on a leader of about eighteen inches to the hook of the saltwater popper. He fished from the back of the boat which was tied up at the end of the dock. He would cast out to the edge of the light on the water and the trout would hit it taking the popper under. He said the bigger ones would take off pulling drag on the fly reel making that wonderful noise that all fly fishermen love to hear. He said they lost count of the number of undersized trout they caught and threw back. He said the action was pretty much non stop until sunrise when it turned off as though someone had flipped a switch. Frank will be back Wednesday night. Can't wait to see him and hopefully he will have some photos for Dudley's Diary.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Continental Trailways Used To Be A Big Company ...

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Dudley Spoke To Frank This Morning ...

He and Jeff were making last minute preparations to their fishing tackle getting ready for the boat trip down to Jeff's grandfather's remote fishing cabin down on the Landcut. It is located long way to the south of their condo in Corpus Christi on Padre Island. They will pull out of the boat slip at the condo and go through the canal into the Upper Laguna Madre. They will turn left and go south for several miles until they get to Baffin Bay. They cross the bay continuing south until they get to the north end of the Landcut. They enter the cut and then go south several more miles until they get to their cabin on the west side of the cut. You can see a map of the area and a Google Earth image of the cabin. It takes over three hours to get down there by boat. You have to take all of your food, water and gasoline for the outboard and diesel for the generator that powers the lights for the cabin and the fishing lights on the dock. They will probably cook out on the grill this evening, drink a beer or two and then wait for the sun to go down. When it gets dark, they turn on the lights and start catching fish. The lights pull in huge schools of speckled trout and some bull reds if they are lucky. I hope Frank takes a lot of pictures so I can share them on Dudley's Diary.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Dudley Is Watching The Ranger Game Today ...

Friday, June 11, 2010
Almost Forty Years Ago, Dudley Bought A Couple ...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Frank Is Leaving Tomorrow For His Summer Trip ...

Monday, June 7, 2010
Guillaume Nery At Dean's Blue Hole ...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Play The Game If You Dare ...
Friday, June 4, 2010
When You Are Retired Or Stranded On An Island It Doesn't Really Matter ...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Dudley Ordered A New Fiberglass Fly Rod Today ...

from W.W. Grigg rod company. It is a Vintage Glass model eight foot in length, two pieces and a 5/6 weight fly line rod. Never have heard of this rod company but they have been in business for a long time. The rod looks great, really like the yellow blank and bright red wraps. Am going to retire my Pflueger rod and take my barely used graphite fly reel and put on the new rod. Am going to get some new line for it as well as some new backing and a furled leader. I got my new bamboo fly rod yesterday but after putting it together and feeling the action, I am afraid to use it much as I would probably break it. Am just going to admire it and think about the times Dudley and his father went fishing and dad fished with his old Granger bamboo fly rod. This fiberglass rod will be a lot more fishable and I won't have to worry about breaking it as it only cost about seventy bucks. It is beautiful and a real value in a classic fiberglass fly rod.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Frank And Dudley Went Out To Mineral Wells State Park ...

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