Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Dudley Got The Call He Has Been Waiting For ...

from the doctor. Dudley found out the test was negative and he does not have Pompe disease. This is not the news Dudley was hoping to hear. This means there is no treatment for Dudley and no chance of stopping the progression of the neuromuscular disease that Dudley is fighting. Every day, Dudley wakes up a little weaker than the day before. It has been a long journey up to this point and it looks like the rest of the trip is going to be tough. Dudley will just keep doing what he has always done, doing the best he can with what he has and keep on fighting until he can't fight any more.

I'm sorry, man. We were praying for you.
Thanks Walrilla, I know you have your own problems. We will just have to keep doing the best we can.

Damn! Sorry to hear that bit of news Dudley.
Just remember:
Illegitimi non carborundum!
Thanks Joated, I was a little depressed upon hearing the news but I knew going in it was a long shot. And the bastards have been trying to wear me down but they have not succeeded yet!

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