Thursday, April 30, 2009
We Got Rained Out At The Ballpark ...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
What Really Knocked Me Out Was Her Cheap Sunglasses ...
Monday, April 27, 2009
The Boy Scouts Had It Right, Be Prepared ...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
This Giant Gator Was Killed A Few Years Ago ...

Length: 13 feet, 1 inch
Weight: 735 pounds
Girth of head: 54 inches
Girth of neck: 39 inches
Girth of body: 60 inches
Girth at base of tail: 44 inches
on the Trinity River about halfway between Dallas and Houston Texas near the town of Crockett. You can read about the hunt
here. Dudley always wanted to go alligator hunting but never got the chance. Most of the gator hunting in Texas was always centered in a handful of counties down on the coast in south east Texas. A few years ago the Parks and Wildlife Department started issuing permits in additional counties away from the historical coastal hunting areas. There are gators all over East Texas but most people never see them. There are gators on the Trinity River above Lake Worth not far from where Dudley lives. Fried alligator tail is one of Dudley's favorite appetizers. Have not eaten any in some time maybe Dudley needs to go gator huntin!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
They Remember When The Police Had More Rights Than The Criminals ...
Friday, April 24, 2009
Isn't Just Women's Work Anymore ...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A Picture Of Lizzie And White Kitty Relaxing ...

on the back porch the other day. Lizzie took the picture with her new LG Shine cell phone she received recently. Lizzie has been busy with school and is looking forward to summer break. Frank took off this week from work and went down to the Texas coast with one of his friends to do a little fishing and hanging out at the Condo swimming pool taking in the sights. He will be coming back home sometime on Sunday. Dudley is anticipating picking up his new Bushmaster AR-15 tomorrow. The last time Dudley checked the gun had arrived in Oklahoma City with delivery scheduled for the 24th. Next month, Dudley will buy an Eotech 512, drop it on the Bushmaster and then it will be time to go to the range and shoot/sight in the new gun. Dudley can not wait. It should be a lot of fun. Dudley has been wanting an AR-15 for more than thirty years. When Dudley got married, his best man brought his new AR-15 to show it off. We have some photos of Dudley, his best man and groomsman standing outside wearing our tuxedos and holding the AR. One of the photos it looked like the best man was forcing Dudley to go to the alter at gunpoint. At the time he was still in college. Upon graduation he went to work as a police officer and for a couple of years was on the S.W.A.T team. We used to go out to my uncle' ranch and shoot his AR-15 off of the cliffs at giant alligator gar in the Brazos River. Those were some good times. I remember going to visit him when he was on the S.W.A.T. team and him showing me his brand new department issued H&K fully automatic machine gun. Now that is a gun Dudley would like to have gotten to shoot!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Do It Yourself Tactical Shotgun ...
Monday, April 20, 2009
Democrats On An Escalator, Saw This On Marian's Blog ...
How To Tell When The Navy Seals Paid A Visit ...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Dudley's Son Is Going To A Concert Tonight ...

near Dallas to see and hear Jimmy Buffet and the Coral Reefer Band. Frank and one of his High School football playing buddies and two of his College fraternity buddies are going to the show and are going to stay the night in Dallas and then come back home tomorrow. Frank is more of a country and western music fan but are going to see him in part because Jimmy Buffet is a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity. They should have a good time, I hope they enjoy the show and do not get in any trouble over in the big city to the east. Amon Carter always said nothing good ever happened in Dallas. He was fond of saying "Fort Worth is where the West Begins and Dallas is where the East peters out!" This is really starting to make Dudley feel old. When Dudley was a senior in High School, he and a bunch of his friends went to see Jimmy Buffet, he was the lead off band for the Eagles Hotel California concert. We had floor seats down near the stage and that was the absolute best concert Dudley ever attended in his life and he has been to a lot of concerts. At that time, Dudley was 17 or 18 and Jimmy Buffet at age 31 seemed to Dudley to be older than dirt. Thirty two years later, the age difference does not seem nearly as pronounced as it did back then. Dudley and wife and daughter are going to stay home tonight and watch the Dallas Mavericks take on the San Antonio Spurs. We are going to cook some chicken and steaks out on the grill.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Ya Know This Might Just Work Here In Texas ...
Dudley Bought Two Tickets The Other Day ...

to go see and hear country music legend Merle Haggard at the Bass Performance Hall in downtown Fort Worth. Dudley got an email announcing the summer concert series and saw Merle Haggard and checked to see if there were any halfway decent tickets available. Lo and behold Dudley was able to get two tickets down on the floor about ten rows back from the center stage. Dudley offered to take his teenage daughter but she declined as this is not her kind of music. Dudley's son on the other hand is a big country and western fan. We are looking forward to the concert. Last summer when Frank and Dudley went on the fishing trip in Northeast Texas, Dudley saw the Hag was doing a concert at a casino in Shreveport and considered getting tickets but then decided not to go. It is just as well, the Bass Hall is a great venue for a concert. It should be a great show. We are really looking forward to it.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Ted Nugent At The Alamo, Star Spangled Banner ...
U.S. Navy Seals vs Somalia Pirates ...
Dudley's Wife Is Going To Stimulate The Central American Economy ...

this summer. Dudley and wife recently got their tax refund and paid $500.00 towards repayment of the loan towards the new HVAC system we bought back in 2007. We split the balance. Dudley is saving up for an AR-15 rifle and Dudley's wife is going to go to the beach again with the friend she went to Cozumel with last summer. She is a retired school teacher and now works as a travel agent. They have been on a lot of nice trips over the years. Her friends husband is a rocket scientist and works for a NASA contractor. He designed and implemented the dashboard/avionics for the space shuttle. Because of all of the negative publicity about travel to Mexico due to the drug wars, she is exploring other vacation destinations. They are going to travel to Belize and will be staying for five days on an island resort. They were able to get some super cheap air fairs round trip from DFW and Houston. If anyone is in the market to travel by air, now is a good time to make reservations.
Dudley Thinks It's Time For A Tea Party ...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I Went To The Doctor With Fluid On The Knee ..
Monday, April 13, 2009
Uncle Ted Has A Message For Gun Control Advocates ...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
We Ate Like Royalty Last Night At The Dudley Domicile ...

Frank cooked a bunch of bacon wrapped venison tenderloins or "back strap" as Dudley calls it. Dang but it was good and it is made even better given that Dudley and son obtained this wonderful meal the old fashioned way via hunting for it. Dudley ate a hot baked potato on the side with a couple of hot dinner rolls. He washed it all down with a cold glass of milk. As Dudley is typing this he is snacking on some cold venison summer sausage and washing it down with a Dr. Pepper. Dudley sure does hope he can go hunting again next year and get some more deer meat for the freezer. Earlier today, Dudley watched the Texas Rangers and the Dallas Mavericks both lose. I wish they would quit playing at the same time, it makes it hard to watch either one with all of the switching back and forth. Late this afternoon, Dudley and son went to Bass Pro Shops to exchange a shirt for Dudley that Frank had bought for him the last time he and his buddies went. It was marked with two tags showing it was an XL but when Dudley went to put it on he discovered it was a 2XL, Dudley is a big guy but he is not that big. The shirt is yellow and has a picture of a fly rod and a tarpon on it. Dudley is looking forward to wearing it and needs to buy some more shirts. Some of Dudley's T shirts are starting to show some age and wear sort of like Dudley. We got a good rain here yesterday evening and last night. Frank had to pull the grill across the patio up to the back patio steps under the roof overhang so he could turn the venison with out getting wet. It probably is a good thing Dudley does not eat that well every day, if he did he probably would wear a 3 XL in a T shirt!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Think About The Consequences, Got It From Bennie ...
Friday, April 10, 2009
Some People Have It, Got It From Bennie ...
Dudley Went To The Doctor Earlier In The Week ...

for his six months check up. The doc advised he is now ready to refer Dudley for some genetic testing to try and get a better handle on the type of muscular dystrophy Dudley is dealing with. The main test they are going to be doing sometime in the next few months is to confirm or rule out if Dudley has
Pompe disease. It is a long shot for sure but if Dudley is suffering from this form of muscular dystrophy, that would be good news if you can call it that because this is the only form of md for which there is a treatment currently. The doc says the treatment would not make Dudley any better but he advised it has been shown to stop the progression of the disease in it's tracks. Of course Dudley's health insurance company would not be thrilled to hear of such a diagnosis as the cost of the treatment is $25,000.00 per month or $300,000.00 per year! The doctor has assured Dudley that he can get his insurance to pay for the treatment if it is indicated by the tests. It sure would be nice to have some good news for a change. Time will tell.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Dudley Was Watching The Barrett Jackson ...

auction a little while ago. They are down in Palm Beach Florida and just auctioned off a 1979 Chevrolet
Camaro Z-28 Sport Coupe with less than 13,000 original miles. The high bid was $19,000.00 after adding in the auction fees, total drive out price was $20,900.00. For a short while today, Dudley went back almost three decades to the time when Dudley and his father went down to the local Chevrolet dealer and ordered Dudley a brand new car like the one above. Dudley's was silver with a black vinyl interior. It had red and orange racing stripes and the same engine as the car above, a 350 4 barrel V8. The auctioned car had an automatic transmission, Dudley's had a four speed manual transmission. Dudley put in a Pioneer
Supertuner/Cassette Player and four Jensen Coaxial Speakers. That was one bad ass ride let me tell you. Dudley remembers well the excitement when the call finally came in after weeks of waiting. Dudley drove over to the dealer in his 1976 Rally Sport
Camaro, traded out the old car for the new and drove away in the best car Dudley ever owned. Dudley drove the hell out of that car for four years and then traded it in on Dudley's 1983 Jeep
CJ-5. Dudley still has the Jeep after all of those years. The Z-28 is long gone except for the Hurst Shifter knob which Dudley took out of the
Camaro and put in the Jeep. It is good to know a small piece of that bad ass ride lives on in the Jeep, and in Dudley's memory.
Dudley Finally Got Through To The People ...

at the power company. Dudley was on the way to his neurologists office Tuesday afternoon when he got a call on his cell phone. He answered it and it was the lady at the power company who had responded to Dudley's complaint with the Public Utilities Commission and denied my request to be put on the Critical Care Customer list a second time. Dudley had his neurologist write a narrative report stating that Dudley required the use of two life support machines while he is sleeping and that without them is prone to going into respiratory failure. Dudley mentioned that they might want to take a close look at my doctors credentials at the top of his letterhead. In addition to being a board certified specialist in multiple medical disciplines, he is also a board certified attorney. Apparently the power company decided not to risk me pursuing the matter further and possibly bringing attention to their indifference. At any rate clearer heads prevailed and Dudley is now on the list. Dudley is going to look into buying a small generator in case we get hit with a large scale power outage. Hopefully we will make it through the spring storm season with out any trouble but you just never know.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Happy Birthday Lizzie! We Love You !!!
This Is Pretty Cool, I Wonder If It Would Work On Out Of Control Politicians ...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
If You Noticed Guys With Jeans I Have Some Bad News, Got It From Bennie ...
Monday, April 6, 2009
Barbie Is 50! Got It From Big Sis ...
Looks Closer To 250 To Dudley
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Dudley Never Thought He Would Live To See This In His Lifetime ...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Dudley Had Another Busy Day Today ...

Dudley got up early and took a shower and got dressed. Dudley then made a few phone calls and tried to take care of some business. Then Dudley got online and paid all of the bills for the month. Thank God for online bill pay, it is so much quicker and easier than writing checks and stuffing envelopes, applying stamps and going to the Post Office. After that, Dudley went and sold a car, then went by the bank then went and got a haircut at a local barbershop and finally made it back home late this afternoon. It has been a trying day and Dudley is exhausted. Hopefully I will be able to get some rest this weekend. Dudley has to go to the neurologist next week and that will wear me out all over again. I guess being tired beats the alternative. I hope next week goes better than the last one has gone. We will see, will just keep trying to handle everything one day at a time. I guess that is the best we can do at times.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Dudley Is Worn Out ...

it has been another stressful week here at the Dudley domicile. Dudley had to make several phone calls to put out a couple of fires this morning. Then Dudley went out and ran multiple errands. First, Dudley went to the bank then the Post Office to mail a check and a couple of letters. Dudley is still fighting with the Power Company who has refused my request to keep me classified as a critical care customer. It is the spring storm season and the power goes out pretty regular down here. Dudley lives in a creek bottom and that means a lot of trees which cause a lot of power outages when it storms. Dudley's very life depends on the use of two electrical machines which help keep Dudley from going into respiratory failure while he is asleep. Either the people Dudley is dealing with are complete morons or the power company is retaliating against Dudley for calling his State Representative last time the power went out and they delayed restoring the power for several days even though at that time Dudley was on the critical care customer list. After the Post Office, Dudley went and got his oil changed in his truck and went to the drive through truck wash. Then it was on to the drive through convenience store to buy Lotto tickets. After that, Dudley went back by the bank to get money for his haircut tomorrow and then on to Kinko's to get some copies made and to fax a letter. It was a pretty busy day for someone like Dudley who is retired. It is going to be another full day Friday. Hopefully when the weekend gets here Dudley can get some much needed rest.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Peter Cottontail Says Ban Fox Hunting, Got It From Billy ...

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