Monday, May 31, 2010
Many Have Sacrificed So That We May Enjoy Our Freedom ...
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Frank And Jeff Are At The Colonial Golf Tournament ...

again today for the final day of play. They have been out there all day Friday, Saturday and today. Frank scored two club house passes Friday from Dudley's aunt. Jeff works at a local golf course and he got passes for yesterday and today. Yesterday afternoon, Frank and Jeff got invited to a private party up on the second story veranda overlooking the 18th green. He said they got to watch all of the golfers finish for the day and got to eat free Mexican food and drank a free beer. Dudley has the tournament on t.v. and just heard some thunder outside and noticed it was raining a few minutes ago . Hopefully they will be able to finish the tournament. Dudley watched the Indy 500 today and will watch the Rangers play baseball tonight. Typical weekend around the Dudley domicile. Dudley and Frank got out yesterday and bought a new lawn mower. Good thing as the grass needs mowing again.
Friday, May 28, 2010
This Is For All Of The Poor Working Stiffs Out There ...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Got Some Better Photos Of Lizzie's Graduation ...
Monday, May 24, 2010
Frank And Jeff Had A Great Trip To The Hill Country ...

of Texas. They left early Friday morning and got back late Sunday afternoon. Friday when they got to Kerrville, they went by and picked up the European mounts of their Whitetail Bucks they got last December on the WRS Ranch. After that they went and ate lunch and checked into the State Park and got the keys to their cabin. That afternoon, they went down to Bandera and fished for about three hours on the Medina river out of their kayaks. Frank caught a bunch of sunfish on Dudley's flyrod and reel. They met up with one of Frank's fraternity buddies after that at the Dude Ranch his family runs outside of town. They went swimming in their private swimming hole on the Medina. Frank said they climbed up about twenty feet into a large Bald Cypress tree and out onto a limb that hangs over a deep spot in the river. They took turns jumping into the river. Frank said it was fun but a little scary. Reminds Dudley of the times he jumped off of a suspension bridge into a river in Northeastern Oklahoma back in his younger days. That night Frank said they all went to the Longhorn Saloon in Bandera. It is owned and run by the brother of singer Clint Black. Frank said they listened to live country music, shot pool and drank a few cold beers. They got up early the next morning and called the owner of the ranch where we hunted and got directions to his home on a private stretch of the Guadalupe River. Frank and Jeff fished all day out of their kayaks in some of the fishiest water Dudley has seen in a while. The fishing was kind of slow but they each caught several bass and quite a few sunfish. Jeff caught the biggest bass about three pounds. They had a great time. The next morning on the way home, they stopped and walked down to the Llano River and fished and each caught a bass. They ate some Texas BBQ and then headed home tired but with a lot of great memories of fishing three different Texas Hill Country Rivers in three days!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
No, Don't Want An Orange Krate That Bad ...
Friday, May 21, 2010
Frank And Jeff Are Down In The Texas Hill Country ...

for three days of kayaking and fishing on the beautiful Medina and Guadalupe rivers. They rented an air conditioned cabin on the river in Kerrville. They are going to fish out of their kayaks this afternoon and evening down near Bandera. Tonight they are going to fish for catfish on the Guadalupe. Early tomorrow morning they are going to go fish a private stretch on the Guadalupe behind the home of the man whose ranch we went hunting on last December. Dudley exchanged emails with a fly fishing guide in the area and got some tips on the types of flies that have been working of late. Dudley loaned his prized fly rod and reel to Frank for this trip. Dudley put a sink tip fly line on the graphite fly reel yesterday and Frank is going to do some fly fishing. He and Jeff have a chance to catch three new species of fish shown above. From top to bottom, they are Guadalupe Bass and Smallmouth Bass and a Rio Grande Cichlid. It would be great if they could add some new species to their catch list. At any rate, they are going to eat some great food, see some beautiful scenery and have a great time kayaking and fishing in the Texas Hill Country. On the way home on Sunday, they are going to possibly fish a third river. Not sure yet which one, could be the Llano, San Saba or possibly another. Frank and Jeff picked up their European mounts of the Whitetail Bucks they got last December and will be bringing them home. Hopefully Frank will take a lot of pictures. Maybe they will catch some fish as well.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
When You Are Retired, It's Just Another Day ...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
California Is Proposing A Boycott Of Arizona ...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Extraordinary Measures Is An Amazing True Story ...
Frank Was Mowing The Yard This Weekend ...

Monday, May 17, 2010
Dudley Went To The Doctor's Office Today ...

Sunday, May 16, 2010
This Is A Weird Freak Show, Got It From Dave ...
Saturday, May 15, 2010
It's Official, Lizzie Is A High School Graduate !!!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Butt Lift Gone Bad, Got It From Bennie ...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Dudley Is Going To Have To Get One Of These ...

Marx Reissue Service Stations. He can add this to his collection of Reissued Hot Wheels Classic Sets and 40th Anniversiary GI Joes. When Dudley was a little boy, he had a Marx Service Station and Car Wash that was really cool. Dudley played with that thing for years with his Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars. Dudley's father spent several hours one Christmas eve putting it together. He probably invented a few new curse words in the process. It was worth the effort as it brought a lot of great childhood memories. Dudley remembers staying up into the early morning hours one Christmas putting together a Pow'r Wheels Jeep Jr. for Frank when he was around three years old. Dudley's dad was probably looking down laughing as he probably invented some curse words of his own. If Dudley ever was to have a grandson, it is a good bet that he is going to get some really cool stuff to play with as he grows up.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Got Lizzies Senior Pictures Today ...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Hurts Just To Watch This ,,,
Monday, May 10, 2010
This Is A Picture Of The Tree Limb That Crashed Into ...

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Dudley Is Enjoying Watching The Texas Rangers ...

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Here Are Some Photos Of Two Of ...

Friday, May 7, 2010
Dudley Got His New CHL Today ...

Heineken Commercial with Jennifer Aniston And A Real Dumbass ...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Dudley is 51 Years Old Today , Hard To Believe ...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Dudley Checked The Status Of His CHL Today ...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Dudley Went To See His Neurologist Today ...

Monday, May 3, 2010
This Is A Link To A Recent Newspaper Article ...

Saturday, May 1, 2010
Good Crawfish Eatin Music Zydeco Alligator Crawl ...
Frank And Two Of His Friends Took Off This Morning ...

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