Monday, December 31, 2007
Does Anyone Have A Clue As To Why Blogger ...

suddenly started centering the text in the titles to my post and also the posted by comment line at the bottome of the post? This has always been aligned to the left and for some unknown reason, Blogger started centering this. I did not change any settings and do not know how to change this. Does any one have any idea how I can correct this? Let me hear from you if you do. Now it looks like Blogger is moving the title and the posted by comment information back to the left side. Computers drive me a little crazy sometimes.
It Is Just About Time To Kiss This One Goodbye ...
Who Knows What The New Year Will Bring, But You Would Be Wise To ...
Maxine Tells It Like It Is, She Pulls No Punches, Thats What I Like About Her ...
Looks Like French Fries To Me, But Iv'e Been Wrong Before ...
Another Public Service Announcement From Dudleys Diary ...
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Hey There Mrs. Clinton
There Will Be Blood: Movie Trailer
50,000 NAMES Carved In A Wall ...

here to hear this song by George Jones.
I Am Already Up To 21 Countries On My Neo Counter, Woo Hoo!!! ...
I Have Wanted To Do This A Time Or Two ...
I Can't Imagine The Pucker Factor On This One ...
You Think You Are Having A Bad Day ...
Damn Thats Gotta Hurt Like All Get Out ...
I Was Reading The Headlines And Have Come To The Conclusion ...

that the world or at least our part of it is full of idiots with no scruples what so ever. "Six Year Old Lies To Win Hannah Montana Tickets" and "Woman Arrested For Groping Santa" and "Parents Involved In Brawl At School Christmas Play" were some of the headlnes I read today.
At least the company took the tickets back to the concert. I don't blame the six year old. I blame her mother who said she did whatever it took to win. She also said she read over the contest rules and it did not say anything about having to be truthful. So I guess it is allright to lie and say your childs father was killed in Iraq when he really wasn't just for the chance to win some concert tickets. Is nothing sacred anymore? I wish the local district attorney would prosecute this woman for fraud but if the contest rules did not state the essay had to be the truth, the law probably was not broken.
Santa Clause was hard at work at the mall when a 33 year old woman got in line and sat in Santas lap and according to witnesses she groped Santa Clause in front of a bunch of small children. She has been charged with sexual assualt and disturbing the peace. What is this world coming to when Santa Clause is not even safe at the mall?
The last headline I read involved parents at an elementary school Christmas Pageant who got into a brawl when one child pushed another child up on the stage. I watched a video of the incident and what was probably a harmless incident escalated into a room full of parents pushing and shoving and acting like total idiots. I read three parents have been banned from the school following the incident.
I believe there are still a lot of good, honest, rational law abiding people in this country but from reading the headlines you would think this was not the case.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Dudleys Daughter Is 15, I Think She Needs To Learn Some Self Defense Tactics For Use Against Teenage Boys ...
This Bed Does Not Look Very Confortable To Me ...
Ad For Mexican Restaurant ...
She Means Business Fellas ...
I Think Christmas Is Just About Over, Will Somebody Please Come Take Down This Stinkin Tree ...
Friday, December 28, 2007
NOT Politically Correct Way To Detur Illegal Immigration ...
Two Sisters Inherit A Ranch, Got It From Bennie ...

Two sisters, one blonde and one brunette, inherited the family ranch. Unfortunately, after just a few years, they are in financial trouble. In order to keep the bank from repossessing the ranch, they need to purchase a bull from the stockyard in a far town so that they can breed their own stock. They only have $600 left. They decide that the brunette will go to the stockyard to inspect a potential bull for the breeding.
Upon leaving, the brunette tells her sister, "When I get there, if I decide to buy the bull, I'll contact you to drive out after me and haul it home."
The brunette arrives at the stockyard, inspects the bull, and decides she wants to buy it. The man tells her that he will sell it for $599 - no less. After paying him, she drives to the nearest town to send her sister a telegram to tell her the news.
She walks into the telegraph office, and says, "I want to send a telegram to my sister telling her that I've bought a bull for our ranch. I need her to hitch the trailer to our pickup truck and drive it here so we can haul it home."
The telegraph operator explains that he'll be glad to help her, then adds, "It's just 99 cents a word."
Well, after paying for the bull, the brunette only has $1 left. She realizes that she'll only be able to send her sister one word.
After a few minutes of thinking, she nods and says, "I want you to send her the word 'comfortable'."
The operator shakes his head. "How is she ever going to know that you want her to hitch the trailer to your pickup truck and drive out here to haul that bull back to your ranch if you send her just the word 'comfortable'?"
The brunette explains, "My sister's a blonde. The word's big. She'll read it very slowly............. com-for-da-bull".
Under The Mistletoe From Bennie ...
This Is Called "RESOURCE CONFLICT" And Looks Like Any Lake Or Beach In Texas ...

They Left Out One Thing

This Guy Is Getting Off To A Good Start ...
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Got Out And Did Some Errands Today ...

first I went to the bank and made a deposit and got a little cash back. When I opened up my envelope there were bills and no change, I looked at the deposit receipt and saw I was supposed to get .89 in change. I called the teller from the drive in and asked her if she did not short me .89 cents. She said cheerfully, I sure did and asked me to shoot the canister back to her. So I did and I got the .89 cents she had shortchanged me. I probably did her a favor, at the end of the day her station would have been over by .89 cents and she would have had to try and figure out where it came from. After the bank, I went across the street to the Sonic Drive In and ate a cheeseburger and drank a Sprite. Then it was off to the Post Office to mail out some Thank You notes. I then drove down the road and went to see my barber Richard. He is a great barber and knows how to cut my hair the way I like. When I moved back to Fort Worth, I had a hard time finding a barber that could cut my hair right on a consistent basis. I first tried a barbershop in the old neighborhood where I grew up but he was not that good and I got tired of listening to him bitch and moan and groan about everything in his world. Then I tried an old historic barber shop down on seventh street. I liked to go down there because they had a bunch of old photos on the wall showing that part of town in the big flood of 1949. When I first started going there I liked the fact they would give you a shave as part of a haircut with an old fashioned straight razor. I liked watching the barber sharpening the blade on the leather strop. Within a short time they quit and I asked the barber why and he said their Insurance Company refused to renew their policy if they continued the practice. I guess we can thank the lawyers for that. I quit going there because I got tired of the long waits as they had five barbers working at a time and the shop was always full of people. The barber I go to now has a one man shop and I usually do not have to wait long and he cuts hair better than any of the other barbers I tried. On the way home from the barber, I went and bought a Mega Millions and a Lottery ticket. Now I think I will go turn on the t.v. and take a nap.
Post Holiday Blues Got You Down, Go Do Something Nice For A Friend Or Neighbor ...
I Don't Know About You But I Am Ready For The New Year ...
Mark Your Calendars Total Eclipse Of The Moon Coming Soon ...
The True Meaning Of Life ...
I Got Up This Morning, Logged On To Dudleys Diary ...

and was glad to see my new widget now shows 7 different countries listed on my Neo Counter. Total visitors by country are United States 112, Spain 3, Egypt 2, Canada 1, India 1, Pakistan 1 and Taiwan 1. It shows a total of 121 visitors from 7 countries, how cool is that. One thing I do not quite understand is that the numbers on New Counter do not jive with the numbers on Sitemeter. The Neo Counter is showing a greater number of visitors to Dudleys Diary than Sitemeter is showing. Anybody got any idea why the discrepancy? Either way I think it will be fun to track the different countries that have visited my blog. I wish there was a similar widget to track visitors from each of the 50 United States. I know I will never make it to all of those foreign exotic places but it is good to know they are out there. Reminds me of a joke, someone asked a guy why he subscribed to Playboy magazine, he said the same reason I subscribe to National Geographic, to get a glimpse of all the wonderful exotic places I dream about but will probably never get to visit. I took down my blogs Christmas decorations last night. Just took a minute. Too bad the real decorations can't be taken down and stored that easily. More proof the virtual world is better than the real world I suppose. It is quiet around the Dudley domicile as Dudleys wife and daughter and son have gone to East TX to spend time with the in laws. I think they may come back tonight. Dudleys dog is scratching at the door, I better go let her in.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I Put a New Widget On My Sidebar Today ...

it tracks the different countries for all of the visitors to Dudleys Diary. It is pretty cool, wish I had added this a long time ago. It will take a while to build up the list of different countries. Right now I just have two, the United States and Canada. The number of countries should increase fairly quickly. Foreign visitors seem to run in streaks for some reason. I wish I could find a widget like this that would keep track of the 50 United States as well. I am pretty sure I have had visitors from all fifty states but I could be wrong about that. If you have a blog, you might want to add neo counter and keep track of the different countries that have visited your site.
Redneck Version Of Frisco Lights ...
I Like Most Americans Welcome Legal Immigrants ...
Illegal Aliens Have Taken Over Everything ...
It's What Our Politicians Are Eating For Breakfast ...
Christmas Is Not Nearly As Exciting When You Are ...

all grown up. Here it is the day after Christmas and it seems like any other day to me. When I was a kid there was always a big let down the day after. Kinda like being hung over from all of the excitement. I remember being hyped up with anticipation wondering what Christmas morning would bring. Probably full of sugary cookies and sweets as well. I remember being so excited going outside and running around the yard trying to burn off some of the excess energy so I could go to seep and wake up early the next morning to see what Santa Clause had brought me. My sister and I would get up early too. Way before daylight, I am sure. I remember one year I had asked for a sissy bar for my Schwinn Sting-Ray bicycle I had gotten for my birthday. I remember getting up in the middle of the night and sneaking into the den with my flashlight and was thrilled when I saw it leaning up against the wall between the fireplace and the Christmas tree. It was made out of metal and was covered in chrome and it glistened in the glow of my flashlight. It was almost five feet tall and I remember my horror when my foot hit an unseen box on the floor pushing it into the sissy bar before I could reach it. It slid down the paneled wall and was heading down towards the brick fireplace hearth where I knew it would land with a resounding crash. I reached with my arm and was relieved when I grabbed it just in time and put it back in its place. I quickly got my butt down the hall and back to bed. I never was good about waiting to be surprised at Christmas, my sister and I would always find most of our gifts hidden in various placed around the house. After we moved to Fort Worth, our mother played a dirty trick on us and put all of our gifts in a closet with a lock on it and she had the only key hidden where we could not find it. That worked for one Christmas, then I waited until the following summer when she let her guard down. I found the sole key to the closet in her jewelry box, rode my bike down to the hardware store and had me a copy of the key made. I did not even tell my sister until just before Christmas and I knew the closet was loaded with our gifts. I remember telling my sister about my hidden key when the coast was clear. Her first reaction was no I am not going to look in there, mom will kill us. I said OK whatever you think, I guess I won't look either. Within ten minutes she changed her tune demanding to know where the key was. She could not wait to get in that closet and take a look see. We tried to put everything back like we found it but of course we were not able to. I remember hearing my mother talking in whispers to her sister Christmas day telling her she had no idea how but my sister and I had managed to get into Fort Knox and see all of our presents early. So shoot me, I never have been very good at keeping a secret.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
I Have A Couple Of New Posts Up At My Secondary Blog ...
Hunting And Fishing With Dudley, you can check them out
Christmas With Dudley Over Four Decades Ago ...

GI Joe
Major Matt Mason

Ithaca Lever Action Twenty Two
Merry Christmas From Dudleys Diary ...
Dudleys Diary Has Saved The Planet ...
48 Years Old And Still Dreaming Of A White Christmas ...
It's A Christmas Miracle Dudley Won The Snowball Fight ...
Monday, December 24, 2007
It Is Christmas Eve, Ok Guys Time To Go Christmas Shopping ...
Stuck Santa
I Bet My Teenage Son Would Like To Get Hold Of That List ...
Frisco Christmas Lights - Wizards in Winter
Silent Night Is One Of My Favorite Christmas Songs ...
Sunday, December 23, 2007
As A Very Small Child, Some Of My Best Christmas Memories ...

go back to Wichita Falls, TX. Christmas was a very special time, especially for us kids. I remember pouring over the pages of the Sears or J.C. Penney's wish books trying to find the presents I wanted Santa to bring. I remember the Christmas tree and grandparents coming to visit. Waking up with my sister before the crack of dawn to see what Santa had brought was great fun. One of the highlights of the Christmas season each year was riding in the car with my sister and parents at night as we went downtown to the Burns mansion to see a multitude of animated Christmas displays. There were numerous displays all brightly lit with animated Santa Clauses, elves, snowmen, reindeer and wonderful things beyond description. There were robots and rocket ships and carriages and Santa's workshop, Mrs. Clause, with Christmas music playing in the background. All of this was on the grounds of the Burns mansion. The huge home was also decorated for Christmas with lights, wreaths and a large tree gracing the picture window. I remember sitting in a long line of traffic, listening to Christmas music on the car radio, AM no doubt and waiting peering out the car window for the first glimpse of the Fantasy of lights. We would circle the block and then my sister and I would get out and walk among all of the displays. I think Santa's workshop was my favorite display. I remember one where Santa was sitting in a rocking chair gently rocking while he soaked his tired feet in an old metal washtub full of hot water no doubt. Be sure to check out the website
here to read about the history of this great exhibit. Sadly like all good things, our annual pilgrimage ended after the fourth grade when we moved to Fort Worth. Not long after Mrs. Burns died and for a few years the wonderful display died with her. Then through private donations and volunteers, the display was resurrected on the campus of Midwestern State University. Back in the mid nineties, Dudley and Dudley's wife and Dudley's two small children drove up to Wichita Falls and saw the display. Dudley's kids loved it. I enjoyed the display to be certain but it was not as I had remembered it. It was just not the same. Time marches on and life goes on and it is true you really can not go back. But the memories live on. Merry Christmas.
I Was Browsing The Internet Last Night ...

and found this interesting
website for Clawson Studios. This artist creates life size or larger indoor and outdoor murals and bronze sculptures, western, wildlife, and Native American artwork. Check out the gallery for the paintings done on area basketball courts. The most impressive is the twelve point whitetail buck crashing up through the floor of the Tivy High School in Kerrville, TX. Home of the fighting antlers. I have driven by this school many times on trips to the beautiful Texas Hill Country.
I Have No Formal Training As An Art Critic ...

but I do know what I like and this ain't it. These lovely works of "art" were created by Houston artist Elaine Bradford. The first work is called "Locked Antlers" and the second "Sweatered Elk." I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think good taxidermy is in itself an art form. I guess you could say knitting a beautiful sweater could be considered art but in my humble opinion combining the two just is not right. My tastes in art lean towards a realistic painting of a majestic whitetail buck or a turkey gobbler or perhaps a leaping largemouth bass. Abstract and down right weird art just does not do it for me. Maybe I am weird. I don't know. Feel free to post comments and give me your feedback. Let me know if you think this is art. Oh and by the way. The first masterpiece is for sale for the meager sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, yes you heard that right and the second creation is for sale for a mere SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. If you bought one or both of these works of "art" and gave them to me, you know the first thing I would do? I would thank you of course and as soon as you left and were out of sight. I would grab a pocket knife and cut away all of that yarn. Then I would hang the critters up on my wall and enjoy them the way the taxidermist intended. But that is just what I would do.

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