Monday, March 30, 2009
Yesterday Afternoon Frank Went Fishing ...

at his new spot down at a local river and paddled up a creek. He had a very productive day throwing a five inch lizard on a 1/8 oz jig head. The bass are spawning up in the creeks and he caught a total of four bass with the biggest being well over three pounds! He caught some of the bass sight casting to fish on their spawning beds. Prior to the fishing trip Frank managed to go to church and mow two yards and go by his grandmothers house. After he got home from fishing, he went out to eat with one of his college buddies. He had a full day and one he will remember for a long time. When Dudley bought Frank the new kayak nearly one year ago, he was hoping it would not end up sitting out in the garage and never get used. I don't think Dudley needs to worry about that any longer. Frank seems to have taken to kayak fishing like a duck takes to water. Dudley wishes he had his health back and could be fishing right along side him. At least I can enjoy the fishing trips by hearing Frank's stories and looking at the photographs.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Talk About Your Voo Doo Economics ...
Friday, March 27, 2009
Dudley Is Retired But For All Of The Working Stiffs Out There ...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Happy Hump Day From Dudleys Diary ...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Yesterday Evening UPS Finally Delivered ...

Dudleys new barrel and extended tactical choke for his Remington 870 Tactical Pump Shotgun. The barrel had a modified choke tube installed and luckily Frank had found his choke wrench for his Browning BPS Pump Shotgun the other day when he cleaned out his room. He removed the modified choke tube and we replaced it with the extended tactical choke using Dudleys new strap wrench. But let me tell the rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say. After removing the modified choke tube, Dudley held the barrel and put his pinky finger in to feel the threads cut back inside the barrel. Frank then decided to check it for himself and he proceeded to stick his much larger pinky finger into the end of the barrel. He then tried to pull his finger back out and found his finger was hopelessly stuck and was not going to come out! Dudley was laughing his ass off by this time and Frank asked what am I going to do? Dudley then offered that he could go to the ER and they could cut his finger off as long as they did not do any damage to my new barrel. Frank did not like that plan so Dudley told him to go get the can of Rem Oil out of the gun cleaning supplies. He did so and Dudley sprayed a liberal dose of oil down the open end of the barrel. Dudley then told Frank to hold the barrel straight up with his free hand to allow the oil to flow down the barrel to the offending pinky finger. After about a full minute of Dudley laughing at Franks predicament, he told him to go ahead and try to pull the barrel off of his finger. He gave it a good pull and his finger popped out of the muzzle end of the barrel none the worse for wear. Dudley should have taken a picture, it would have made good blog fodder.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Yesterday Afternoon Frank Took His Kayak ...

down to the river and paddled up to his favorite creek and fished for several hours. He caught several sunfish and hooked a few bass but they both managed to get off before he could get them in for photos. He caught the sunfish on his ultra light spinning outfit and his ultra light fly rod. He had a good time and caught a few fish. He has yet to see anyone else fishing on this section of the creek. It is located in a gated country club community and is surrounded by high dollar homes. There are a lot of fish back in there, you just have to expend a little effort to get to them. The best section of the creek is a few miles upstream. Frank caught a lot of fish there last summer. Since that time, the city put up a wire barricade that prevents being able to drive down to the creek to launch ones kayak. Frank thinks he may have found away around the fence and it would not surprise Dudley if he is back fishing in his favorite spot on the creek before too long. Dudley woke up around 6 AM this morning which is way too early for someone who is retired but that is the way it is most of the time. With Dudleys sleep disorder and breathing problems, it is difficult to get a good nights sleep. Dudley hopes to hear the UPS truck pulling up in front of the house today. His new barrel and extended tactical choke should be arriving today!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Clinging To Guns And Religion And Proud Of It ...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Lead Bullet Recall ...
Peace And Quiet Here At The Dudley Domicle Today ...

Friday, March 20, 2009
A Phone Is Ringing In The White House ...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Nissan Pathfinder Front Independent Suspension ...
The CEO's Guide To Jetting 3 ...
The CEO's Guide To Jetting 2 ...
The CEO's Guide To Jetting ...
Dudley Needs To Start Saving His Money ...

for a receiver hitch for his pickup and a power chair carrier like the one above. Dudley can feel he is losing his battle to keep his mobility and needs to get ready for the day when walking is no longer possible. That day is fast approaching and it can not be ignored any longer. Dudley has a power wheel chair and has finally found an economical way to transport it. The above carrier can be purchased online and shipped to the Dudley domicile for around three hundred dollars. The hitch for the truck will be around two hundred dollars. Add in the cost for a portable ramp Dudley can use to get the power chair out of the house through the garage and Dudley should be able to have a way to transport and use his power chair for less than one thousand dollars. This system does have it's drawbacks since the power chair will be exposed to the elements. However, if it is raining, Dudley will just have to stay home. Life is full of compromises.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day From Dudleys Diary ...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Dudley Will Pass On The Pickle Sickle ...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Dudleys Son Took His Kayak Down To The ...

river one day last week and paddled up to a creek that he likes to fish. He only stayed out about an hour and a half as it was forty degrees outside. He fished a little bit but did not catch anything. He had fun watching a red tailed hawk swooping down and fighting with a heron. He called me from his kayak and I could hear the hawk squawking in the background. The weather is supposed to get up to near eighty degrees this week, I have an idea he will go back and do some more serious fishing this time. He had hoped to go on an overnight kayaking trip on the Brazos river in a few days but his buddy chickened out on him so he is not going to go. Dudley used to live for fishing trips and always wanted to do an overnight trip below the PK dam but never did go. Now Dudley has all of the time in the world but physically can not make the trip. Damn but life is not fair. Dudley would give anything to be able to go.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Video Of Nadya Suleman Giving Birth ...
Dudley And Son Went To The Indoor Gun Range ...

yesterday afternoon. It was a good day to shoot indoors as it was cold and windy and raining most of the day. We took our new Springfield Armory XD9 Subcompact pistol to shoot for the first time. Dudley shot it first, you can see the results of the first ten rounds in the top photo. Dudley was shooting a little high but did get the job done. We shot a total of 111 rounds at the target. I shot 11 rounds of Winchester Ranger 147 grain JHP's and we shot a 100 round Winchester white box of 115 grain FMJ's. Dudley let son do the majority of the shooting. This was the first time he had ever shot a center fire semi auto pistol. It won't be the last as he had a great time shooting it. It is a great pistol, it fits good in Dudley's hand and points and shoots easily. While we were there it slowed down and the guy running the range came over and gave Dudley and son some pointers on shooting which was appreciated. This was the first time to shoot at this range but we will be going back. The prices were reasonable and they said we could shoot our tactical shotgun with buckshot on the indoor range. This afternoon, Dudley and son cleaned our new pistol with the help of some guy who put a video on you tube showing how to take down an XD pistol.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Mardi Gras Costume, Got It From Big Sis ...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
When Will The People, Congress And The President Learn ...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Oil Change Instructions, Got It From Big Sis ...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Yet He Would Deny Protection ...
Preventing Further Liberal Irritations Since ...
Monday, March 9, 2009
They Are Having A Party, Got It From Big Sis ...
Pooping On People In 12 Easy Lessons ...
Sunday, March 8, 2009
It Was A Beautiful Day Outside Today ...

Frank moved Dudley's truck out of the driveway so he could get the Jeep out and drive it and keep the battery charged up. He got back home the middle of the afternoon. He went to East Texas to visit with his grandparents but mostly to camp out down at the farm with two of his friends from high school days. They camped out and did a lot of shooting with their rifles and shotguns during the daytime. They had a camp fire at night and had a great time kicking back and getting a break from their usual routine of work and school. He did not get to do any fishing but was able to bring back a bunch of fresh caught catfish. Dudley's wife is working this afternoon and into the evening so we probably won't be able to eat catfish tonight but hopefully tomorrow evening we will hear some grease popping in the kitchen. We need to clean our tactical shotgun and Franks pump shotgun later on today so Dudley went and bought a 12 gauge bore snake kit. A bore snake makes easy work out of cleaning a long gun be it a rifle or shotgun. Dudley has used one for years to clean his deer rifle and needed one for the shotguns as well. Dudley and son love the smell of Hoppe's #9, it smells like ... Victory.
This Is Kind Of Strange ...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
When Seconds Count, The Cops Are Minutes Away ...
Friday, March 6, 2009
Dudley Has Had A Difficult Week ...

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Pretty Well How Dudley Feels Today ...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
State Of The Union As Dudley Sees It ...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Dudley Went To The Doctor Yesterday ...

Missing Shotgun Baffles Local Police ...
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