Thursday, October 31, 2013
Dudley's Mom And Aunt On Halloween 1935 ...
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
This Buck Was Killed Last Season On ...
a farm adjoining where Frank and Jeff are hunting. The second photo is the buck a year earlier. He walked right by Franks deer stand the day before Opening Day!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
This Is One Of The Bucks Frank And Jeff ...
will be trying to hang a tag on opening morning!
Inlet Tower At Benbrook Lake ...
Monday, October 28, 2013
Dudley Tries To Avoid Going To Dallas If At All Possible ...
Got A New Blanket Today And Put It In ...
White Kitties Box. I think she likes it.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Bought Some Targets To Take To The Range ...
to use to sight in my deer rifle.
I Bought Two NOS Griswold Cast Iron And Steel ...
Flue Dampers on EBay today. Not sure how old these are but they have a 1918 Patent Date. For a time when I lived out in the country in East TX, I had a wood burning stove. I used to enjoy going down to the farm with "Sparky" and cutting firewood with a chainsaw and loading the truck bed with logs and taking them back to town and splitting the logs by hand. My father in law installed the flue pipe through the roof and installed a damper similar to this. It was nice to build a fire in the cast iron stove on a cold Winter day!
Bought This Ideal Stamp Moistener On EBay ...
for $1.99 plus shipping. My Grandmother had one of these on her desk and I used to play with it when I was a kid. I guess this would have come in handy back in the day if you were mailing a bunch of Christmas Cards or paying a bunch of bills. You put water in the reservoir and then turned the roller. You then put a stamp on the roller then lifted it off and put it on the envelope. I guess this was before they invented Peel & Stick Stamps!
Used To Have A Lot Of Fun With These ...
when I was a kid. You could buy Pea Shooters and plenty of "Ammo" at any five and dime store. Too bad kids can't have that kind of fun any more!
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Went To See Captain Phillips Today ...
with Frank and Jeff. It was a really great movie even though I knew how it ended.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Lizzie Took This Video Of The New Big Tex At The Texas State Fair ...
Driving Across The New 7th Street Bridge ...
Dudley Drove Across The New 7th Street Bridge ...
for the first time yesterday.
Picture Of The House In Mistletoe Heights ...
where Dudley's Stepfather grew up.
Picture Of The House My Mom Lived In ...
as a teenager in Mistletoe Heights. It was right next door to the other house.
Picture Of The First House Mom Lived In ...
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
I Purchased A Signed Limited Edition Art Print ...
this morning titled "Hemingway On Patrol." It is by PA artist George Rothacker. It is limited to 50 prints in each of two sizes, small and large. George said he has been selling the small prints on his website for 65.00. He said he had not yet listed the large prints on the website, he said they will be priced at 100.00 each. He said that since I was the first to inquire, I could have print #1! I said sold and promptly sent the funds via Paypal. I can not wait to get this print framed and hung on the wall. I almost can't believe my good fortune. They say timing is everything. I need to go buy a Lottery Ticket :)
Sunday, October 20, 2013
This Is An Old Photo Circa 1908 Of The Two Men ...
that owned the Department Store in New Orleans LA where my Grandmother got "Carrie" over a Century ago. Not sure if they were father and son or brothers but their last name was Hockstein. My Grandmother and Great Aunt and their parents I am sure traveled there from Sulphur Springs by a Passenger Train pulled by a Steam Engine. They may not have been able to travel the entire way on one train. They could have gone to Dallas on the Texas Midland and then boarded the Texas & New Orleans and ridden all the way to New Orleans or they could have travelled out of Sulphur Springs to the South and East and boarded another train at some point to get to New Orleans. Dudley has a CD in his computer with a bunch of old Railroad Maps and Time Tables from the early 1900's. It is interesting to look at these trying to figure out how they travelled over a Century ago!
Lizzie Went To The Texas State Fair ...
last night and sent me this cool picture of the new Big Tex!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
This Is A Photo Of My Maternal Grandmother ...
Neva Nell Wester around 1909 with "Carrie" the name she gave her doll with a Bisque Porcelain China head. She and her sister went with their mother and father to New Orleans, LA on a vacation for the girls, a business trip for her father. They were at a store owned by two of his customers and the two gentlemen told the two little girls to pick out a present for themselves. Her sister picked out a modest gift and my Grandmother ran straight to this rather expensive doll and took possession of it. Her parents were embarrassed at this and told her to put the doll down and get something else. The Store Owners insisted she keep the doll. Carrie has had her dress replaced a few times in the last 105 years but other than that, Carrie still looks just like she did way back in the day!
Scanned This Old Photo The Other Day ...
from 1915 or so. It is of Elizabeth Wester's Piano Students in Sulphur Springs, TX. The 15 or 16 year old girl standing on the far left is my Great Aunt Ava Maude Wester. She was affectionately called "Sister" by our family. She was a retired School Teacher. She lived with Dudley's Maternal Grandmother, her sister the last decade plus of her life. She was a sweet lady, loved baseball and had an antique bed with a real feather mattress. She also had an old Singer Sewing Machine with a foot powered motor. She drove Dudley to many a Doctor or Dentist appointment when he was a kid in her awesome 1962 or 1963 Chevrolet Impala!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Got To Visit With My Beautiful Daughter ...
Lizzie yesterday. Her Grandmother cooked us the best CFS in E TX!
A Few Pics Of The Double Log Corn Crib ...
down at the farm in East TX. The Corn Cribs were built almost 100 years ago of hand hewn Pine Logs, split, notched and stacked on top of one another. The cribs were each about eight feet square and about six feet tall. They had gaps between the logs to allow for plenty of air to circulate and keep the corn dry. My father in law dismantled this from behind the family farmhouse and reassembled the two corn cribs on his farm about twenty five years ago. He put a new roof over the cribs to protect them from the weather. It was a labor of love.
Here Are A Few Pics From The Farm ...
I spent the best 19 years of my life, going to College and living, working and Deer Hunting and Fishing in East TX. The towering Pine Trees are so beautiful and are a big part of what makes the area so great. Whiskey Myers has a new song called "Home" about the land between the Neches and Trinity Rivers. Dudley knows that area well. Dudley may not physically reside there any longer but a part of him will live there forever.
Dudley Went To East Texas Sunday ...
with Frank and Jeff. We went to the farm and used Franks Road Feeder to put out Seed Oats and fertilizer on two Power Line ROW's. Franks Grandfathers nephew was going to go down later with the tractor and disk and cover them up. Hopefully it will rain soon so the Oats will start to come up. While we were down there they spread some shelled corn out in a few places to try and attract some deer and wild hogs. Jeff also put out his Deer Cam. It won't be long now until Opening Day!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Bought A Model Airplane Hangar Today ...
to display one of my Wings of Texaco die-cast aero-planes.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
My Third Cousin, Norris Poulson Was In ...
Life Magazine many years ago. It shows him riding in the back of a Limo driving down Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles. He was a United States Congressman for eight years and after leaving DC he moved back to LA and served as Mayor from 1953 until 1962. I found a photo of the home he and his wife lived in while he was mayor. After retiring, he and his wife moved to La Jolla, CA. He lived an amazing life!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Scanned An Old Photo Today ...
from 1912. It is of the Carr Family Reunion in Ladonia, TX. My Great Grand Mother, Zona Carr Jernigin and my Great Grand Father, Jefferson Davis Jernigin Sr are the second couple on the right side. The Carrs owned a bank in Fairlie, TX. The bank closed during the Depression. There is a 20 year old young man in this picture, Vincent Carr that later married a girl named Ruth Warlick from Arkansas. They moved to Lubbock in West TX and had four children. Two sons, Waggoner Carr and Warlick Carr both became prominent TX Lawyers. Waggoner was Speaker of the House in the Texas Legislature and later became the Attorney General. While AG he prosecuted Billie Sol Estes and he also was involved in the prosecution of Jack Ruby for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald. Waggoner was later prosecuted himself as a result of the Sharpstown Scandal. He was aquited of all charges and later wrote a book about it. My Grandfather Dudley Cotter Jernigin is the fifth man from the left and his younger brother JD Jernigin, the Pilot is just to the right of center in the white shirt and knickers. He ran away from home a few years after this photo was taken, lied about his age and joined the Army Air Corps and flew in both World War I and II.
My Great Grandfather Jefferson Davis Jernigin Sr ...
sitting on the steps of the Jernigin home in Commerce, TX. His father, William Jernigin was born in Tennessee. Before coming to TX in the 1850's, he lived in Arkansas where he was a member of the State Legislature. He was a Merchant and he was the founder of Commerce, TX. There is a Texas Historical Marker at the sight of the Jernigin Store.
Monday, October 7, 2013
My Maternal Grandmother, Neva Nell Wester In 1904 ...
Found Another Photo Of My Great Uncle ...
Jefferson Davis "Duke" Jernigin with a Lockheed Sirius 8A I believe this photo was taken in OK in the early 30's. This is Texaco 16 and Wings of Texaco makes a diecast model of this plane. I better start saving my money LOL. My Uncle was a Badass!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Just Got Photos Of The Painted Deer Stands ...
This Is What The Photo Of JD Will Look Like ...
Bought An Old Press Photo ...
of my Great Uncle Jefferson Davis "Duke" Jernigin on the right. The man on the left is Frank Hawks and I think the woman Christening the Texaco Eaglet is probably Mrs Hawks. I don't know the identity of the man in the middle, but it kind of looks like Charles Lindbergh LOL. I am going to frame this print in a red frame with a white border. I am going to put a Wings of Texaco decal under the photo...

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