Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Americans + Bailout = REVOLUTION
Dudley Has Been Called Worse ...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Talk About Putting Lipstick On A Pig ...
There Is Not Enough Soap In China ...
But Everybody Is Wearing Them ...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Republican Logo Only, Got It From Texas Fred ...
Hurricane Ike Damage Crystal Beach, Texas ...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
This Is The Kind Of Politicians We Need In Washington ...
Useful Device For Watching Political Debates ...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Are We Rollin' Downhill Like A Snowball Headed For Hell ???
Are The Good Times Really Over ???
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Any Time Any Place Any Way ...
Dudley Picked Up His New Springfield Armory XD9 ...

sub compact semi auto 9mm pistol yesterday. Dudley will have a lot more firepower at hand than with his Taurus 5 shot snub nose revolver. This gun will be a lot more fun to shoot at the range as well. The XD9 came with factory installed night sights which is a nice option to have. The gun has a good feel to it and the small size will make it easy to conceal/carry when needed. Dudley used to shoot a Beretta 92F but sold it a few years ago, it was a great pistol but was too big for conceal/carry. The XD9 comes with both a 10 and a 16 shot clips the latter which is not legal in California. Hard to believe the Terminator is the Governor of a State full of limp wristed anti gun nuts. The last picture is of Dudleys next gun purchase, he has always wanted one of those high capacity pump shotguns. If and when the economy tanks and the riots and the looting start, Dudley will be ready.
Dudleys Take On The Bailout ...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Bodice Ripping Journalism ...
Now This Is Interesting ...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Scene From Another Of Dudleys Favorite Movies ...
The German People Blindly Followed Hitler With His Promises Of Change ...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Another Area Home Invasion With A Surprise Ending ...
Off Road Camper Trucks ...
Dudley Has Seen This Smoke And Mirror Routine Before ...
Dudley Has A Question About Outlook Express ...

if there are any computer geeks and or geniuses reading this. Yesterday I was on the computer and a message popped up and said it was time to compact the messages in my mailbox. I have done this many many times in the past without problem so I clicked to run everything through my computers version of a trash compactor. Problem was this time something different happened and it was not a good thing. When I went back into Outlook Express, I discovered that my messages were not compacted, they were GONE to God knows where. All of the messages in my inbox, sent, outbox, deleted, and draft mailboxes had disappeared. I got on Google to try and find a way to restore the lost messages but all I could find was companies wanting to sell me high priced software to restore the messages. It did not cost Dudley anything to lose the messages and I'll be damned if I am going to spend money to restore them. If any one knows a FREE fix to this problem please let me know. While I am on this subject, does anyone know a good free utility that can be downloaded to run on a computer to take care of all of the various pests that are out there. I have been running a program by Lavasoft called Ad Aware for some time with good results. It was FREE and worked well. That is until it somehow got corrupted and ceased to function. I went to download it again and the once FREE program is not so FREE any more. It comes with a bunch of strings attached now. Dudley went to the store a few years ago and purchased software from one of the big names of virus protection and installed it on his computer and found it to be pretty much worthless. If anyone knows of any good FREE utilities for restoring lost emails or for zapping computer pests, please let me know.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Socialism In A Smile ...
Golden Rays Off The Coast Of Mexico, Got It From Pam ...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Meredith Was Released From The Hospital In Boston ...

today and her father took her to the airport and she boarded a plane back to Texas. She will be living with her mother and stepfather and will be going for physical therapy to regain what what function she has lost due to the brain aneurysm. She is in good hands as her stepfather is a pediatrician. Meredith is an amazing young lady. She has been through more trauma and hospitals and doctors and surgery than most people would endure in multiple lifetimes. Her father has been updating her latest fight and her progress on a blog
here. Dudley and family have been praying for her recovery and wish her the best.
I Received Some Photos Today Of The Marina Where ...
Living Will, Got It From Big Sis ...

MY LIVING WILL Last night, my friend and I were sitting in the living room and I said to her, 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.' She got up, unplugged the Computer, and threw out my wine. She's such a bitch
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Dudleys Take On The Economy ...
Look What Big Sis Extricated Out Of Her Dogs Posterior ...

Damn that is a scary looking creature. She went to the store and bought some de wormer for her dog. If she is smart, she will take a swig or two for herself. You can't be too careful with this sort of thing. Looks like something out of a horror movie. Yuck!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
McKenzie -11yo Girl Sets New Record for Field Stripping AR15 ...
The Farmer's 3 Daughters, Got It From Cary ...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Cowboys 41 Eagles 37, Way To Go Cowboys ...
Whats Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander, Got It From Cary ...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Piece of Cake Compared To Field Dressing A Moose Or A Caribou ...
Some Of The Devestation From Hurricane Ike ...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Dudleys Computer Must Be Working ...
Dudley Survived Hurricane Ike Which Was No Big Deal ...

considering the fact Dudleys domicile is three hundred miles from the Texas Coast. We got a little rain but not much. Again the majority of the rain was to the east. Dudleys uncle came by today and said his daughter and son who both live in Houston are OK. both are without electricity but survived the storm without any damage to their homes. Cousin Kristen works for a large bank in Houston and she is going to be working overtime no doubt trying to keep the economy going. Cousin Todd lives in a house near downtown Houston and he sat out on the covered front porch of his home all night and rode out the hurricane. He told my uncle he could hear all kinds of loud noises coming from the large buildings downtown as the buildings were giving way to Hurricane Ike. He has been unable to get to the marina in Kemah on Galveston Bay where he keeps his 27 foot sailboat berthed. His boat likely is gone but time will tell. If they don't get his electricity restored very soon, he likely will come up and stay with his dad in Fort Worth. He is a computer whiz and does all of his work from a laptop computer. He does all of his work from home or from his sailboat. All of his clients are overseas. He lived for many years in France and Holland and only moved back to the US a couple of years ago. He speaks French and Dutch as well as his native English fluently. Dudley is glad they came through the storm without any physical injury. Houses, cars and boats can be repaired or replaced.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Liberal Oxymorons, Emphasis on the Morons ...
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