Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Got This Picture Today Of Frank And Jeff ...

posing with a portion of their two night catch from the Landcut. He said they had a total of 7 guys fishing one night and 9 the other. Good thing the cabin has a large T shaped dock out front to give that many fisherman room. Each person can keep ten trout per day between 15 and 25 inches in length. You can keep one trout per day over 25 inches in length if you are lucky enough to catch one. Frank said the biggest this year was around 22 inches. He said the average size was up and they were able to keep more fish with fewer throw back under limit fish. They had a great tme and Frank said he is bringing a bunch of fillets home so get ready for some grilled trout. Dudley can't wait!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Dudley Scored Two Tickets Today To See Stevie Nicks ...

in concert. He can't wait as it is going to be a great show. Dudley has been a big fan for a long time. Can't believe he has a crush on a 63 year old woman but what the heck, she is awesome! Following is a list of the songs she should be performing ...
1. Stand Back
2. Annabel Lee
3. Dreams
4. Sorcerer
5. Moonlight (A Vampire's Dream)
6. Gold Dust Woman
7. Ghosts are Gone
8. Soldier's Angel
9. In Your Dreams
10. Rhiannon
11. For What Its Worth
12. Secret Love
13. Fall From Grace
14. Cheaper than Free
15. Edge of Seventeen
16. Love Is
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Talked To Frank Last Night ...

he said they fished all day at different rigs up to 20 miles offshore from Port Aransas and only caught one Kingfish. They are going to go out and try it again today. Hopefully they will have better luck the second time out!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Frank And Jeff Left Yesterday Afternoon After Work ...

going to the Texas Gulf Coast for a week of fishing the saltwater. It is killing Dudley that he can not go but hopefully they will take lots of pictures. Today they are going to go on a free fishing trip offshore in a thirty something foot center console boat. They are going out with one of Jeff's cousins and his father. They are hoping to catch some
Kingfish and if they are lucky maybe some
Cobia (Ling) or if really lucky a
Dorado or Sailfish. Don't know if they are just going to go out and fish some of the
nearshore rigs or if they are planning on going farther offshore. They will have a great time at any rate. It is a real treat to get to go fishing offshore. They took the kayaks and are going to go
here one or two days to try and catch some
Redfish and Speckled Trout. At some point during the week, they are going to load up the power boats and go across Baffin Bay and go south down the
Landcut many miles to Jeff's Grandfathers remote fishing cabin. They will fish all night under the generator powered lights off of the large dock in front of the cabin. Frank no doubt will be fishing mostly off the back of one of the boats with his fly rod. He will be competing with Jeff for the most fish caught on a fly rod and reel as Dudley gave him a fly rod and reel of his own last year. Hopefully the trout will be bigger this year. The last couple of years they have had to throw back ten undersized trout for each keeper. At any rate, Dudley hopes they have a safe trip, catch a bunch of fish and bring back some for the grill and that Frank takes lots of pictures!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wild Hogs Are Out Of Control In Parts Of Texas ...
Friday, June 17, 2011
Frank Went Fishing Yesterday Evening ...

down on the creek that runs near the Dudley domicile. He caught two nice bass and sunfish on his 4 weight fly rod. He said the largest bass in the photo above gave him a good fight jumping out of the water a couple of times. Jeff caught the nice catfish a few days ago at the same place. It has been hot here this week, today the high temperature is forecast to hit 104 degrees. Dudley would prefer to be walking up and down the creek bank fishing but since that is not possible, will have to be content with sitting inside in the air conditioning.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Dudley Bought A Boat Shelf Off eBay Today ...

and got a pretty good deal. The total cost with shipping was less than 175 dollars. It is four feet tall and is constructed of red oak. Dudley is going to put it in front of his gas fireplace and put his vintage fly reel collection in it with a few of his hunting collectibles as well. Dudleys wife picked the color, brick red and it should look great inside the Dudley domicile. Dudley has been wanting one of these for a long time. The craftsman that is making it is 6 to 8 weeks behind so the shelf should get here in two or three months.
Monday, June 13, 2011
"Sweet Vindication" Dallas Mavericks World Champions 2011 ...
Sunday, June 12, 2011
The Time Is Now ...

having a Mavericks watching party at the Dudley domicile. Frank is cooking steaks on the grill. Hope the Mavericks can close it out tonight and win the championship. Go Mavs!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
The Ultimate Opportunity ...
Friday, June 10, 2011
The Blazers, Lakers,And The Thunder Long Gone ...
Saw This On A Milk Carton, Go Mavs !!!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Frank And Jeff Are Going Back To The Texas Coast ...
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Frank Put Dudley's New Pole And Bird Feeders Up ...

yesterday afternoon. He got off work early and went to Tractor Supply and bought some bird seed for the Finch feeder for Dudley. He did a good job installing the pole and the squirrel baffle and the two feeders. Dudley had him put the pole halfway between the tree and the house. It has been out there about 24 hours and so far the squirrels have been unable to figure out a way to get to the feeders. They can be pretty good at figuring out a way to get to a bird feeder. Am seeing quite a few birds at the feeders so far. Dudley was able to find a feeder pole that was made in the USA. It cost a little more than one made in China or somewhere else but Dudley gladly paid a little more for a quality USA made product. Wish more people would do the same.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Go Mavs!!! Bring It Back To Dallas ...
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Dudley Got Two New Bird Feeders This Week ...

from a guy that works with Dudley's sister. He makes them in his wood shop on the weekends and after work. They are made out of cedar and look great. Dudley got a metal pole today that he bought off of eBay. Saturday Dudley is going to get Frank to put the pole up and fill and hang the feeders up. Hopefully the birds will enjoy the free food and give Dudley hours of enjoyment watching them in the back yard. A big tree fell over in a windstorm and destroyed the last pole and feeder Dudley put out. Hopefully that will not happen this time around.

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