Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Getting Ready For Thanksgiving Here At The Dudley Domicile ...

looking forward to food and football. After lunch tomorrow am looking forward to watching the Cowboy game and then watching A&M vs Texas. Dudley has
been busy dealing with the Insurance Company. Frank was on his way to work Friday morning driving on the Interstate when he slowed for traffic. He was just about stopped in a line of traffic when a young girl hit his truck from behind at a pretty good clip. Don't know for sure but she was probably distracted by a cell phone or something. She got a ticket for failure to control speed. It tore her car up pretty bad. The whole front end was pushed back, the radiator was leaking and the hood was pushed up to the windshield. The front of her car hit going under his rear bumper and receiver hitch. Frank's truck is
drivable but the rear bumper is pushed down and his hitch and frame are probably bent. He braced on the steering wheel when he saw in his mirror he was going to get hit. The impact threw him back and forward again. He was able to get on the brakes and just avoided hitting the vehicle stopped ahead of him. He went on to work Friday but by the end of the day, his back was hurting pretty bad. We tried to get him to go to the clinic but he refused to go. By Sunday afternoon, he was hurting pretty bad and over the counter pain
meds were not working so he finally agreed to go to the doctor. He is taking some medication now but still is in a lot of pain. If he is not better by Sunday, am going to make him go back to the doctor. Hope he gets to feeling better soon. He has to finish up this semester at school and get back to work as soon as he is able.
Friday, November 19, 2010
JT Got A Doe Today ...

up in Arkansas. JT is the young man Dudley met and became friends with in 2007 when Dudley went to Arkansas for a hunt for disabled hunters. JT is disabled as is Dudley but that does not stop us from going deer hunting when we have an opportunity and someone to help us. JT made a 100 yard shot with his .308 putting the doe down. JT and his mom and dad are going to have some venison in time for Thanksgiving. Way to go JT!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Jeff Got A Button Buck ...
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Rut Is On In East Texas ...

Frank and Jeff are out hunting. This nice buck was killed on the farm next to Dudley's father in laws farm this morning. Frank and Jeff heard the shot. The guy that shot the buck sent Frank this picture and told Frank the buck was with a doe that came to his deer feeder this morning. Frank sent me a text message and said he and Jeff have both seen multiple does this morning but so far no bucks.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Best Trick Play Ever ...
Whitetail Bucks Fight ....
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Frank Called This Morning From East Texas ...

with big news. He was deer hunting down at the farm with his buddy Jeff. Frank said about seven this morning he was watching the power line right of way his stand sits on. He had spread corn out on the ground the day before for the deer. Frank said close to twenty wild hogs came out of the woods and started to eat the corn. He said they all appeared to be about the same size and were big. He picked out one that he thought might be a little bigger than the others . He lined up the cross hairs on our .243 model 700 and squeezed off a shot. Frank was pretty excited and he called Jeff to tell him about the hogs. Jeff was hunting in another stand and said he had heard the shot and the hog squeal. They messed up the deer hunting for the morning, but it was worth it. Frank bagged his first ever wild hog. Frank said he thought the big sow he shot weighed close to 200 pounds. The hog has a long snout and a brown coloration like the original Russian strain of wild hogs. It was a great morning in the Piney Woods of East Texas. Not such a good morning for the hog.
Friday, November 5, 2010
On The Way To The World Series ...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Some Photos From The World Series ...
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Get Out And Vote, Send The Liberals And Rino's Packing ...
Monday, November 1, 2010
Here Is A Cell Phone Photo Of Dudley At The World Series ...

game 3 at the Ballpark in Arlington. Still can not believe the Rangers finally made it this far. It was great being there for the event. Dudley got see the first Rangers World Series Victory, hope it will not be their last. With Cliff Lee pitching tonight, we stand a good chance of taking the series back to San Francisco for a game 6. Dudley's new camera worked well and Dudley has about 75 photos to sort through. Should be posting some of the better ones in the next few days. Go Rangers!

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