Monday, August 30, 2010
Lizzie Started College Today And Frank Starts Tomorrow ...

Dudley and wife for the first time have not one but two kids in college. We have applied for some financial aid but have an idea we probably make too much money to get much help. If this country continues on the current path of excess spending, and bigger government we will all be poor enough to qualify for Federal assistance but by then, there won't be any available. I guess we will just keep trying to make it the best we can and hope for the best. Good Luck Frank and Lizzie, study hard and give your best effort. Your future will depend on what you accomplish in the present. Work hard now, it will pay off later.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
More Photos From The Lake Fork Trip ...

with Pro Guide
John Tanner. Frank and Jeff had a great time and learned a lot from the experience. They caught a bunch of bass. All of the fish were caught on Texas rigged plastic worms. Frank caught a six pound bass and another just under six pounds. Jeffs best for the day was seven pounds. The guide caught the best fish of the day when he made a cast to demonstrate a technique. His fish looks to be over eight pounds. I think he felt bad about getting the biggest fish of the trip, but hey he is the Pro! They had a great time and this was Frank and Jeffs first trip to Lake Fork. Bet it won't be their last. Jeff is going to get a replica mount of his seven pound bass. Frank already has a replica bass mount of a trophy bass he caught out of a private pond. Frank said he will not get another bass mounted until he catches a double digit fish. If he goes back to Lake Fork, in the late winter or early spring, that very well could happen.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Frank And Jeff Went Fishing With A Guide Today On Lake Fork ...
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Frank And Jeff Went Fishing This Morning Down At The Creek ...

that runs near the Dudley domicile. Frank was fishing with his new fly rod and reel. He caught two bass and one sunfish. He caught all of his fish today on a wooly booger fly. He said all of his fish came from below a natural water fall in the limestone creek bottom. Frank and Jeff are both looking forward to taking a trip one day next week with a guide on Lake Fork, one of the best trophy bass lakes in the country. It is going to be hot and they may have to work hard for their fish but they will learn a lot and have a shot at catching their personal best largest largemouth bass.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Checked Lottery Tickets Today, No Winners ...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
4 Wheelin On The Matagorda Beach ...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Beach At Matagorda ...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Some Photos From Our Ill Fated Fishing Trip To Matagorda ...
Monday, August 16, 2010
Dudley And Frank Are Back From A Trip To The Texas Coast ...

at Matagorda. Dudley had signed up for an event for disabled fisherman to go out on a free guided fishing trip. We drove down there Friday and checked into our room. We then went over to the fire hall to the fish fry. We met the facilitator for the event and talked with some of the other fisherman and locals. We went back to the motel and watched the Rangers beat the Red Sox and then went to sleep. We got up at 5:00 AM and were at the Matagorda Harbor before 6:00 AM. We met one of our guides and climbed aboard a beautiful 24 foot El Pescador flats boat. He said we were going to go out and fish for a short time outside the harbor and then go back in and pick up the boat owner and his wife and then go out to the bay and fish the rest of the morning. We went out a ways and Frank put out the anchor and we threw out a couple of live shrimp under popping corks. After a short while, I got a bite but set the hook and felt no resistance. A short time later, the boat owner called and we went back to the dock to pick him and his wife up. The boat owner who is disabled and in a wheel chair and his wife got on board. He restarted the boat and it promptly died. Fort the next twenty minutes they tried to get the motor started but it was not going to happen. We drifted across the harbor and had to wave down another boat to tow us back to the launching ramp. As quick as it had started, our fishing trip was over. Took a few photos as we were being towed in, will post them tomorrow. I can not believe we drove over six hundred miles on this trip and got to only fish a total of ten minutes. Dudley should have stayed home.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Frank And Jeff Went Fishing Yesterday Evening Out At The Golf Course ...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Dudley Got Out This Afternoon And Went To ...

the bank. Then he went and got a cheeseburger at Sonic and then went to the lab to get some blood drawn. This is for another test to help Dudley's neurologist try and determine which kind of muscular dystrophy Dudley is suffering from. There are many different types and I guess a specific test has to be done for each one to confirm or rule out a diagnosis. This time the doctor is checking for FSHD. The doctor said the test is expensive and he is going to try and determine what type of MD Dudley has so he can get a better handle on the prognosis. At least Dudley did not pass out today like he did the last time he had blood drawn. Going back to the doctor in a few months and should find out the test results then. Frank is out at the Hawks Creek Golf Club with Jeff fishing today. Hopefully they will catch some fish. Frank took his new fly rod and reel and his ultralight spinning outfit. Hopefully he will take some photos of any fish he catches. Dudley and Frank are leaving the end of the week to go on a fishing trip down at the Texas Coast at Matagorda. Hopefully the fish will be biting and the weather will be good. Dudley has not been fishing in three years and is ready to get out on the water and catch some fish.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Dudley Got Another Vintage Fly Reel Last Week, A Bronson Royal 360 ...
Friday, August 6, 2010
It Is Too Damn Hot In Texas In August ...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Nolan Ryan Won Another Fight And He And His Partners Now Own The Texas Rangers !!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Frank And Jeff Went Fishing Yesterday Evening ...
Monday, August 2, 2010
Frank Went Down To The Creek And Caught Ten Sunfish And Two Bass ...
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Bath Time For Bennett At Big Sis's House ...

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