Friday, November 30, 2007
Evel Knievel Robert Craig Knievel (1938 - 2007)
I Could Have Used These Back When I Was Working ...
The Holidays Are Stressful, A Public Service Message From Dudleys Diary ...
Idea For Stocking Stuffers For The Kids This Christmas ...
New Terrorist Interrogation Kit ...
Chicken Recipe, Got It From Big Sis ...

Here is a chicken recipe that also includes the use of popcorn as a stuffing - imagine that! When I found this recipe, I thought it as perfect for people like me, who just are not sure how to tell when poultry is thoroughly cooked, but not dried out. Give this a try.
6-7 lb. baking chicken
1 cup melted butter
1 cup stuffing (Pepperidge Farm is good.)
1 cup uncooked popcorn (ORVILLE REDENBACHER'S LOW FAT)
Salt/pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Brush chicken well with melted butter, salt, and pepper. Fill cavity with stuffing and popcorn. Place in baking pan with the neck end toward the back of the oven. Listen for the popping sounds. When the chicken's ass blows the oven door open and the chicken flies across the room, it is done.
And you thought I couldn't cook
Thursday, November 29, 2007
There Is Going To Be One Heck Of A Great Football Game ...

tonight between the Dallas Cowboys and Green Bay Packers. Both teams are 10 and 1 and Brett and Tony are going to be throwing the pigskin. Whichever team makes the best defensive plays should win. Ought to be a high scoring game, we shall see. From what I understand, most of the country will not be able to watch the game tonight. Only the people who live in the Dallas and Green Bay area or the few that are subscribed to the NFL pay per view channel get to watch this one. I looked on EBay to see what tickets are going for and was not really surprised to see that end zone seats were going for $400.00 each. You would not believe what the tickets to the Cowboys new stadium are going to cost. I saw on the news that season ticket holders will have to pay up to $50,000.00 just for the rights to purchase season tickets at a cost in excess of $300.00 per seat. I do plan on going to a game in the new stadium. Will have to save my money and probably sit in the end zone. As far as I am concerned my Cowboy Blue recliner is still the best seat in the house. I was afraid my son who is down at College Station would be in the blacked out area and not get to watch the game. He assured me they have every sports channel on the cable television system at his fraternity house and that they will be watching the game on their big screen t.v. That is a relief, I am glad to know the fraternity dues he is paying are being put to good use.
I Have Been Putting It Off For Close To A Year ...

but I finally went to the lab and had another blood test this morning. I had a routine blood test done last year and I got the lab results back from the doctor and it said my blood sugar level was out of kilter as was my cholesterol. I hate getting blood drawn, I do not like needles being stuck into me. Probably why I do not have any tatoos. I have been told to let the people drawing the blood know that I am a "Vagler " which the best I can determine is medical terminology for "Wimp." It seems like every time I go to have blood work done, I get stuck with a trainee undergoing on the job training, OJT. Some times they have to stick me multiple times or send for reinforcements to get a good sample. Today I got lucky, the vampire was experienced and the test was quick and easy the way I like it. I guess I will hear from my doctor in a week or so. I hope it is not bad news. The doctor will probably tell me to change my diet and excercise more which is going to be hard to do. I am an extreemly picky eater, I like meat and potatos and absolutely detest any kind of green vegetables and most foods that are good for me.
Mr. Whipple Has Gone On To Bigger And Better Things ...

besides squeezing the Charmin. Dick Wilson the actor who portrayed Mr. Whipple has passed away at age 91. Another part of my childhood has died. One of the best advertising campaigns of all time. I wonder if the Maytag repairman is still alive?
The Criminals And The Terrorists Will Be Armed ...
Choices Our Children Make Today ...
The Only Thing HMO's Care About Maintaining Is Their HIGH Profits ...
They Have A Special Holiday For Everything These Days ...
He's Contemplating Global Warming No Doubt ...
Wild West Mousetrap, Overkill If You Ask Me ...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
So You Wanna Be A Gunfighter ???

Click here to play the Quick Draw Game
This Is A Trick Question, Right ???
Turn Up The Volume On Your Speakers And Hold Your Nose ...
Poor Little Kangaroo, Got It From Big Sis ...
This picture is from Western Australia . See the size of the snake pulling the kangaroo out of the water.

Anyone for rock climbing in Australia ?
A.D.H.D. Cure From Pam (Retired Schoolteacher) ...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
In The Corporate World Or Politics, There Is Always A Hidden Agenda
Be Careful What You Wish For ...
That Is What Worries Me George ...
My Site Stats From Last Week Seem To Be Giving Me The Finger ...
A Snowman's Question for Fred Thompson
I Don't Place Medical Doctors Up On A Pedestal ...

the way some people do. They are a lot like lawyers. I would just as soon stay away from them but there are times when you really need one. I have been going to doctors my whole life and you would think just one of the sum bitches might have had enough sense and training to diagnose me at a young age of having Muscular Dystrophy. But that is not the way things worked out. As it was, I was over forty years of age before I was diagnosed. I had to go to a neurologist before I found out what was wrong with me. Let me tell you it is one hell of a revelation to find out at forty something years of age that you have been suffering from Muscular Dystrophy your whole life and that you have been one of "Jerry's Kids" all along. When I questioned the neurologist about this his response was that I just never went to the right kind of doctor, ie a neurologist to get the proper diagnosis. I guess they don't teach neurology in medical school to all of the regular pediatricians, family doctors and orthopedics I saw over the years. If they did, I guess all of the doctors I ever saw must have slept through the class on neurology or perhaps they skipped that class entirely. Back in 1999, I got real sick and started coughing and could not stop. When I would lay down in bed I would start to cough and could not sleep. I went to my family doctor a couple of times. He said I had bronchitis and listened to my heart and lungs with his stethoscope. He gave me some pills and sent me home. I kept working to the point of collapse. My wife finally went back with me to the doctor a third time and demanded that he take a chest x-ray or do something to find out what the hell was wrong with me. The doctor responded that I had bronchitis and that it was unnecessary but that if it would make her feel better he would do a chest x-ray but that his x-ray technician was off and I would have to come back the next day. I went back the next day without my wife and had the x-ray done. The doctor came out with his "hat in his hand" and told me my diaphragm was herniated and my left lung was collapsed and that I would have to go into the hospital ASAP for surgery to correct this. To top it off, a few minutes later, I heard him outside the door talking to one of his doctor buddies and he was bragging to his friend about what a brilliant diagnostician he was for diagnosing my condition! Years earlier when we lived in Tyler, my wife had unexplained pain and went to a doctor for a diagnosis. The doctor sent her for a bunch of tests which he did not even bother to open the reports and he prescribed her a medication I had never heard of. I was familiar with most medication routinely prescribed by doctors so I went to the office and looked up the medication in my PDR, Physicians Desk Reference and read that the medicine was a strong tranquilizer that had been used successfully by the United States Military to tame wild monkeys. I kid you not. That lazy incompetent bastard had my wife pegged as a head case and his plan was to try to turn her into a zombie. When I told her what the doctor was giving her, she got so irate she needed to take one of those "monkey tamers" for sure. I later took her down to Scott and White Hospital in Temple and they properly diagnosed her condition. In all fairness I must say there are some really good competent doctors out there. Just be forewarned, there are a bunch of quacks in the bunch as well. Be selective when choosing a doctor. Your health and life may depend on it.
I Added A New Animated Gif To My Sidebar Today ...
I had gotten this somewhere over a year ago and did not save a copy. I was not blogging then and I remembered I had sent this to
Grouchy Old Cripple and he had posted it to his blog. I went and did a search of all of my contributions and lo and behold there was my little friend. I think he looks right at home on my sidebar reminding me that I don't do shit. Hey I am retired I don't have to do anything if I don't want to.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Depending On What I Eat, More Like 14 Times Per Minute ...
A Message From Democrats In Congress ...
Political Correctness Is Ruining This Great Country ...
Looks Like The Mice Are Getting Trickier ...
Support Our Troops They Are Fighting For All Of Us ...
I Finally Found It! The Last Page Of The Internet ...
Sunday, November 25, 2007
A Public Service Message From Dick Cheney ...
This Cowboy Better Do Some Fast Talking ...
Hillary On Steroids, It's A Scary Thought ...
So Close Yet So Far, Just Out Of Reach ...
Looks Like My Insurance Plan ...
We Need To Get Tough On Illegal Immigration In This Country ...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
It Rained All Day Today And It Is Cold Outside ...
it may snow and or sleet to the north and west of the DFW Metro Mess tonight. If it does, I will just stay inside. I don't venture out in show and ice any more. I used to love to go out and play in the snow and ice. Always liked driving on it. Most of the people around here don't know how to drive on snow and ice. Especially ice, people slip and slide all over the place. The wrecker companies and body shops love it. I spoke with my son today, he hunted yesterday evening and this morning in a pouring rain storm. He did not see any deer. It was still raining this evening and is supposed to rain in the morning so he went ahead and went back to College Station late this afternoon. He called me to let me know he made it safely. Dudleys wife and daughter made it back home tonight as well. The Dallas Mavericks lost again tonight. Coach Avery needs to light a fire under some of those players. No Cowboys tomorrow, will have to try and find another game to watch. They had an open house today at the house next door that was made over. It rained all day and I do not think they had many lookers. Maybe tomorrow it will quit raining long enough to generate some traffic.
I Guess This Is What They Mean When They Say "Don't Mess With Texas"...
Ever Been In A Pickle, A Jam, Ya I Thought So ...
Yes It Is A Jungle Out There ...
You Could Just Keep Going To School For A P.H.D. And Then Teach For A Living ...
I Am So Glad I Am Retired And Don't Have To Go To Work ...
Friday, November 23, 2007
I Bet This Fur Trapper Is On P.E.T.A.'s Hit List ...
Recommended By Nine Out Of Ten Proctologists ...
Another Black Friday Is Over, Thank God I Missed All The Fun ...
What I Think Of The People Who Went To The Mall On Black Friday ...
If You Ask Me, Online Shopping Is The Only Way To Shop ...

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