Sunday, March 30, 2014
Watched A Good Movie Last Night ...
on our Home Theater, Gangster Squad. Dudley has always enjoyed watching a good Gangster movie. The Untouchables is his all time favorite. Another good one was Public Enemies about John Dillinger. It was enjoyable seeing a Gangster movie set in Los Angeles during the late 40's. In 1953 Dudley's third cousin, Norris Poulson became the mayor of Los Angeles after serving two terms in Washington DC as a United States Congressman. There were some scenes in the movie of the LA City Hall Building downtown. Norris's Mayoral Office was in the Penthouse Suite on the top floor. There is a big Veranda where he could walk outside and lookout over the city. Some days the smog was so bad you could not see very well or breath for that matter!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Got Our Home Theater Installed Today ...
it is awesome to say the least. Now if I can just figure out how everything works. Going to call the cable company and see about getting a new HD cable box and I need to upgrade to an HD cable package. Going to check into the cost of that and also check the prices for Satellite HD TV.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Frank Worked All Weekend In The Yard ...
He borrowed a blower from his old boss at the lawn service and spent all day Saturday pushing all the leaves into big piles. Sunday morning, Jeff came over and helped put the leaves into bags and drag them to the curb for pickup by the Trash Truck. I believe they filled 68 bags in total, we have a lot of trees down in the creek bottom. Frank mowed our yard yesterday afternoon and the house and yard really looks great!
Friday, March 21, 2014
Bought A 60 Year Old Red Man Lithograph ...
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Dudley Bought A Signed Art Print ...
of Batman and Robin, another of his favorite childhood memories.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Dudley Had A Cabinetmaker Rebuild ...
his book shelves to make room for his 60" Flatscreen TV. Dudley is going to have a nice Home Theater when everything is installed and hooked up. Frank is going to stain and clear coat the new boards this weekend and hope to get the rest of the work done one day next week. It is going to be great when it is finished.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Bought Two Sealed Packs Of Poker Size ...
playing cards on EBay. These remind me of my late father in law Sparky. RIP and I hope they have Red Man Chewing Tobacco up in Heaven!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Bought An Artists Proof Print Today ...
of one of my favorite childhood memories, Major Matt Mason. Dudley grew up during the best time to be a kid during the space race.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Dudley Bought A Couple Of Ads ...
for a Marlin 336C and a Winchester 1894. Two great lever action Deer Rifles.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
23 Skidoo ...
in 1965, I remember wanting a Matchbox Caravan Trailer # 23 for Christmas. My mother had searched all of the stores in Wichita Falls looking for one to no avail. She called her Aunt, my Great Aunt whom we all called "Sister" and asked her to check the stores in Fort Worth to try and find one of the desired Matchbox Trailers. Some time later my Great Aunt called my mother and exclaimed "23 Skidoo!" She had found the object of my desire after going to several stores. It seems that was a popular saying during the Roaring 20's. I have a photo of my Great Aunt when she was a College Student at TCU. She was a beautiful young girl and she dated and later married the editor of the school newspaper who also happened to be the Quarterback of the Football Team,The Horned Frogs. Sister was a cool lady and a big fan of Major League Baseball and Bing Crosby. She used to take me to my orthodontist appointments in her 1963 Chevrolet Impala! Great Aunt indeed, Thanks Sister.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Frank Went To East Texas To Visit ...
and cut a bunch of Pecan wood and brought it back to use in our Grill/Smoker. Frank is going to grill some Bacon Wrapped Backstrap when he gets home from work today. Going to be great!
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Dudley Bought A New Knife Today ...
from Moore Maker Inc. of Matador, TX. It is a beautiful fixed blade knife in the style of what is usually called a Bird and Trout knife.
Dudley Bought A New, Old First Edition Book ...
on EBay titled "Fifty Years Of White-Tailed Deer Hunting In Tx" published in 1961. The book is by W.F. "Bill" Gusendorf. Am looking forward to reading it and learning more about the history of TX Deer Hunting.

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