Sunday, October 23, 2011
Frank And Lizzie Just Left To Go To Game 4 ...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Go Rangers !!!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
The Texas Rangers Beat The Detroit Tigers ...

Saturday, October 15, 2011
Frank Made It Down To The Texas Hill Country ...

a little before noon. He met up with the guides and went to the range to check the zero on his rifle. He put his stuff in the little cabin in above photo and was dropped off at a hunting blind around 345 PM. Around 5:30 PM three whitetail does and two fawns came out and started feeding at the feeder you can see in the second photo above. He shot the largest of the mature does. He said he hit her through the heart and she ran about 40 yards and piled up. He went and checked her out and then dragged her back behind his stand and put her under a tree in the shade. He then hunted till dark hoping to get a second doe. The only other deer he saw was a Sika buck. He said his doe field dressed at almost 70 pounds. That is good sized for a Hill Country deer. He is going hunting again this morning. Hopefully he will get another doe or two today or possibly a spike buck. He was the only hunter to kill a doe yesterday evening. One of the other hunters killed a wild hog. If he sees one, he can kill one of those also.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Frank And Dudley Went To The Shooting Range ...

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Texas Rangers 2011 Postseason Anthem ...
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Hank Williams Jr. " Keep The Change" ...
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Dudley Is Looking Forward To Watching The ...
Friday, October 7, 2011
Got It From Texas Fred ...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Frank Is Getting Ready To Go On A Deer Hunt ..

down in the Texas Hill Country. He has his new scope mounted to his new rifle now. He went to Cabelas the other day and bought a box of Federal Premium .308 caliber ammo with 150 grain Barnes Triple Shock TSX bullets. He also bought a Gerber EZ-Saw to make cutting through the pelvic and breast bone easier and to save wear and tear on his knife. Frank went to Academy and bought two Uncle Mikes QD (quick detach) sling swivels for his rifle that came with the studs from the factory but not the swivels for putting a sling on the rifle. Dudley had a new old stock Torel Gunslinger sling that Frank put on the rifle yesterday. Now all Frank needs to do is go to the shooting range one afternoon and sight in the new rifle and scope.
Monday, October 3, 2011
This Was Frank's View At The Ball Park Saturday ...

for game two of the ALDS between the Texas Rangers and Tampa Bay Rays. The other pics are of the Tampa Bay Voo Doo doll Dudley's sister made after the Rays shut out the Rangers in the first game. It was an exciting game with the Rangers winning to even the series at one. Way to go Big Sis, the Voo Doo worked! The Rangers are playing again today and with the momentum on their side hopefully will go up to a two game to one lead. Colby Lewis is pitching today, hopefully he will have a good game. Tickets to the public for the World Series went on sale Sunday morning. Dudley was able to buy two tickets on the first base side up in the upper deck for game four. Dudley is going to give the tickets to Frank and Lizzie to go as Dudley would rather sit this one out and watch it on TV. Go Rangers!
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