Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sumo Rod Mounts Rally Test ...
Monday, September 27, 2010
Frank Went Fishing Yesterday Evening ...

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Google Knows Everything ...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
This Yankee Gal Has A Nice Trophy Room ...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Another Animated Gif ...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Two Things America Got Right ...
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Henry Rifles Made In America, The Way It Used To Be ...
Friday, September 17, 2010
Dudley Got A New Fly Rod Yesterday ...

it is a Wright & McGill "Sweetheart" 8 foot 2A-8 7 weight fly rod. It is a thing of beauty. They don't make them like this any more. This fly rod was mass produced in the good old USA many decades ago. It is in new un fished condition. The orange brown fiberglass blank is beautifully finished with chrome guides wrapped with yellow thread tipped in black. The spiral wraps are really cool. The rod has an old style nickel silver up locking reel seat. Dudley won this rod on eBay for $29.95 which was a steal. The only way to get a comparable new fiberglass fly rod these days would be to have it custom made at a cost of several hundred dollars.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The Best Animated Gif Of All Time ...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
She Loves Fly Fishing ...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Went On A Guided Fishing Trip Today ...
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Dudley Got A New Fly Rod In The Mail Today ...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Frank Went Fishing Yesterday Down At The Creek ...

that runs by the Dudley domicile. He worked all day mowing yards for the lawn service and then came home and grabbed his fly rod and reel and went fishing. He had a good trip catching around ten bass and sunfish. He caught fish on top water popper, woolly bugger and he hooked a bigger fish on a clouser but it got off. Probably a two or three pound bass. He got some great photos with his cell phone camera. Dudley really likes the photo showing the bend in his fly rod from the nice long ear sunfish in the last picture. We are getting rain today and will be getting more rain for the next few days. Frank will have to wait for the water level to get back down before he makes another trip down to the creek. Dudley and Frank and Jeff and Lizzie are going fishing this weekend with a guide. Not for sure what lake we will be fishing yet but we will be fishing with live shad for Stripers. Looking forward to the trip as this guide knows his stuff and have always had a great time and have had many successful trips with him. Jeff is looking forward to catching his first Striped Bass and Dudley is looking forward to some Striper fillets on the grill.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Back When Dudley Was A Young Man ...

Friday, September 3, 2010
Lizzie Is Unhurt, But Can Not Say The Same For ...

Dudley's truck. Lizzie had an accident yesterday afternoon on the way to school. Thank God she was not hurt, trucks can be fixed. She was very lucky as she spun out of control at freeway speeds crossing several lanes of traffic. A guy driving a full size van tried to avoid hitting her but there was not much he could do other than hit the brakes. No one was hurt to my knowledge. Frank and Dudley went up to the accident scene. It took over an hour for the police to get there and they said since there were no injuries, they would not investigate or file a report. It took another hour for the wrecker to show up. One stopped and was going to take the truck to the body shop but his lift failed to operate. Had to call out a second wrecker. The other guy seemed nice enough. He and Lizzie exchanged Insurance information. Spent some time this morning making all of the needed phone calls to the Insurance company, the body shop, and the rent a car place. Turns out the other guy provided bogus insurance information. Suspect he is an illegal alien which is not surprising these days. I am glad my little girl was not injured. Now if I could get a hold of the punk driving the green Neon that cut her off and caused this to happen, he might need some major medical insurance by the time Frank and I got through with him.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Dudley Went To The Endodontist Today ...

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