Sunday, May 31, 2009
Frank Is On His Way Home From His Weekend ...

on the Guadalupe River in the Hill Country of Texas. I have not spoken to him but I am sure he and his buddies had a good time. They floated the river in inner tubes yesterday and today and last night they went to a concert on the river with Cross Canadian Ragweed providing the entertainment. He will be tired when he gets home and it will be back to mowing 20 or more yards tomorrow in the Texas heat. He will no doubt wish tomorrow he was back in the inner tube floating in that cool green water. The Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake Dam is an amazing place. The lake is well over 100 feet deep at the dam and the water released into the river is very cold. So cold, it was discovered in the 1960's to have killed off all of the native fish. From what I understand Lone Star Beer stocked rainbow trout below the dam during that time and created the southern most trout fishery in the United States. Later brown trout were added to the mix. As long as water flows were adequate year round, the fishery was sustainable. Problem was during the hot Texas summers, enough cold water was not being let out of the dam to keep the fish alive. A bunch of concerned sportsman formed a chapter of Trout Unlimited and obtained legal counsel and filed suit and were successful in forcing adequate discharges year round to keep the fishery going. Some giant rainbow and brown trout are caught each year by lucky and or skilled fisherman.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Frank And Three Of His Buddies Went Down To The Texas Hill Country ...

Good Luck With That!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Dudley Has Been A Rail Fan His Whole Life ...

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Dudley And Wife And Kids ...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Good People Of The United States Of America ...

Monday, May 25, 2009 Great Website To Remember Those That Made The Ultimate Sacrifice On This Memorial Day ...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Frank Mowed The Yard This Morning ...

and then loaded up his kayak and fishing equipment and headed down to the river. He fished all afternoon and caught several largemouth bass and sunfish on his ultralight fly rod and ultralight spinning outfit. He had a blast and lost count of the number of fish he caught. Of interest is the first Red Ear Sunfish that he has ever caught. They are difficult to catch on an artificial lure but danged if he didn't catch a nice male specimen. He also caught a nice Long Ear Sunfish as well as a bunch of Green Sunfish. He had another great day on the water and he had the place to himself. Dudley stayed home all day and enjoyed watching the Rangers beat the Astros for the second day in a row. Tomorrow Dudley is going to watch the Indy 500 and will try to keep up with the score of the Ranger/Astro game during the commercials.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Frank Took His Kayak Down To A Local River/Creek ...

the other evening after work. He fished for about three hours and had a good time. He caught six or seven sunfish and a small bass. They provided great sport on his ultralight fly rod and spinning outfit. Dudley bought him a couple of Yozuri Pin's Minnow lures online a while back and they are catching the fish. They are only two inches long and weigh 1/16 of an ounce. He wants me to get him some in a larger size so he can try to catch some bigger bass. Dudley does not get to go hunting much these days so he satisfies that urge by hunting online for good deals on hunting and fishing equipment for Frank to use out in the field. As much as Dudley enjoyed catching fish over the years Dudley has come to the realization that hunting for and finding the fish was as much fun as catching them. Hunting is an instinct that most people have lost but not Dudley. He was born to hunt and fish.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Dudley Had A Busy Day Yesterday ...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Dudley Has Seen It All Now, The Bacon Bra ...
Monday, May 18, 2009
No Matter How Many Times Dudley Watches This ...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Dudley Signed Up For A New Service The Other Day ...

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Iv'e Got Your Forgiveness Right Here ...
You Can't Always Be Smooth ...
Friday, May 15, 2009
A Psalm For Our New Changed America From Big Sis ...

He maketh me to lie down on park benches.
He leadeth me beside the still factories.
He disturbeth my soul.
He leadeth me in the path of destruction for the party's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Depression,
I anticipate no recovery for he is with me.
He prepareth a reduction in my salary. In the presence of mine enemies,
He anointeth my small income with taxes: my expense runneth over.
Surely unemployment and poverty shall follow me all the days of my life.
And I shall dwell in a mortgaged house forever.
Lizzie Is Getting Ready To Go On A Retreat ...

with our church to East Texas. She should have a lot of fun. They have a lot of outdoor activities. The camp is situated around a big private lake. If Dudley was there he would be fishing his heart out trying to catch some bass or sunfish out of that lake. If Dudley were hungry he could try to catch some crappie or catfish. Dudley is not hungry as he and daughter just got home from eating at Chick Fillet. Dudley picked her up from school and then we went and Dudley bought a couple of Lottery tickets. Then it was off to the Post Office to mail a package. In a little while, Dudley will be driving Lizzie up to the church to see her off for her trip. I bet she will have a lot more fun than the rest of us here at the Dudley domicile. Dudley will enjoy watching the Texas Rangers play baseball tonight and this weekend. They are in first place and have really been playing well. It is a good thing as the Dallas Mavericks were eliminated from the playoffs again. There is always next year I guess.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A Chance To Test Out Exactly How Creative ...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Anyone That Rides In A Car That Thinks It 's A Tank Ought To Believe In The Right To Defend One's Family, Self And Home ...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
P. eople E. ating T. asty A. nimals ...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Quick-Start A Rumor ...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Here Are Some Photos Of Frank's Kayaking Trip ...

on the Brazos river yesterday. That is his friend Chace holding the bass and loading his kayak. The photo of the small bass with the dam in the background was Franks first fish of the day. He said he caught it on his third cast and caught a second small bass a short time later. Chace caught his bass early in the trip. They caught three bass so quick, they thought they were going to tear up the bass. Then for whatever reason the bite shut down and they did not catch another fish the whole trip. They had a great time being on the river and that is what matters. They launched at the dam and paddled down a little over eight miles on this trip. Frank and Dudley floated this section in a canoe about five years ago. It was Dudley's last river trip. Dudley was so tired after the trip, he was unable to get to his feet. The man that runs the canoe shuttle service drove his Jeep down to the waters edge and Dudley was able to pull himself up to his feet by grabbing on to the front bumper. Dudley then got a ride up to the top of the hill where he could make it to the truck. Dudley's muscular dystrophy is a lot worse now than it was five years ago. When Dudley was a teenager, he spent many enjoyable hours fishing and canoeing up on the Illinois River in Northeastern Oklahoma. His stepfathers family had a cabin up there on the river. Those were some great times but distant memories for Dudley. I am glad Frank is able to follow in his father's footsteps. And Dudley can offer the benefit of his years of experience on the river to his son. Before he left, I told him if he heard banjos near the river to paddle like hell!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Dudley Is Holding Down The Fort Today ...

Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Is Connie Culp, The Recipient Of The First ...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Happy Birthday Dudley Turns 50 Years Old Today ...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
When We Left The Ballpark In Arlington ...

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