Saturday, April 30, 2016
Pic From An 1877 Palestine, TX City Directory ...
showing an old building and a Mule Powered Trolley Car.
Great Postcard From Way Back In 1910 ...
Friday, April 29, 2016
Rube Burrow Robbed A Texas & Pacific Passenger Train ...
near the Dudley Domicile over 100 years ago. He and his gang actually robbed a train at this location two different times. The Mary's Creek Bridge was the site of multiple train robberies back in the late 1800's. The robbers would get the engineer to stop the train so that the cars with the passengers were stopped over the creek on the bridge to make it difficult for any one to get out and interfere with the robbery of the Express Car where the money and valuables were located. A map from 1895 shows the location as "Train Robbers Bridge." The head of the gang was captured some time later and jailed. He tried to escape prior to trial and that did not end well for him as you can see in the last photo! Frank has caught Bass and Bluegill in the creek under and in sight of this bridge about ten years ago. Dudleys Dad fly fished the same spots around 75 years ago! It is a special place.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Dudley And Wife Went On A Road Trip Saturday ...
to Jacksboro, Bowie, Montague, Nocona and Henrietta TX.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Classic Nocona Cowboy Boot Ads ...
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Dudley Had One Of These When He Was A Kid ...
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Great Texas Scenes From Local Artist David Tripp ...
Some Great Fishing Art By Local Artist David Tripp ...
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Lizzie Took This Cool Picture Of A Duck In A Tree ...
at her Grandmothers house in East TX. She lives in the middle of town several miles from Lake Palestine. Lizzie said they had a bad storm last night. This lone duck must have gotten lost!
Update. Had one of my fb friends ID the Duck for me. It is a Black Bellied Whistling Duck. From what Dudley can tell that is rare to see one of that species in East TX!
Monday, April 11, 2016
Dudleys Stepfather And His First Wife And Dudleys Stepsisters 58 Or
59 ...
Mark Twain Was A Smart Man ...
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Frank And Some Friends Took Their Kayaks To The Brazos River ...
early this morning. They launched at the historic Stone Bridge on Hwy 16, The Sportsmans Highway. They paddled and fished downstream for a few miles to the Schoolhouse Mountain area. Frank caught a couple of nice Bass and four or five Bluegill. The biggest was on his ultralight spinning rod and reel throwing a purple and white Yozuri Pins Minnow. It was a great day on the river.

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