Tuesday, December 30, 2014
We Lost Our White Kitty Yesterday, Going To Miss Her ...
we got her 17 years ago, when she was about a year old. She was a tough old girl and she lived outside because Dudley is allergic to cat hair. She was a loyal pet and a beloved member of the family. She will be missed. Frank laid her to rest in the back yard next to Foxy, our American Eskimo dog that died a few years ago. They used to lay side by side out in the yard. Rest In Peace WK.
Dudley And Frank Went To Bass Hall Sunday Night ...
for a Robert Earl Keen Concert. It was a great show and we had tickets about 7 rows back from the stage!
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Frank Split Some Firewood ...
Saw Four Wild Turkeys In The Front Yard Of The Dudley Domicile Today ...
Monday, December 22, 2014
Dudley Hung His Brent Hale Original Work Of Art Up Today ...
Friday, December 19, 2014
Frank And Jeff Went Hunting Down In The Texas Hill Country ...
today. They drove down last night and stayed at the YO Hotel in Kerrville. They drove out to the WRS Ranch this morning and drove the ranch roads looking for a mature buck for Jeff to shoot. They saw one big buck this morning but he ran Into the brush before Jeff could get his gun on the deer. They went to eat lunch and went back out and the guide corned the road near a box blind at the back of the pasture, where Frank and Jeff were sitting. Frank spotted a nice 8 point buck running through the woods but lost sight of him. He reappeared a short time later about 75 yards away where he walked out into the open and turned broadside. Jeff fired his 30-06 and the buck started running towards them. Frank was looking through his binoculars and could see blood pouring out of the exit wound. The buck dropped about 25 yards in front of the deer stand from a perfect heart shot! Jeff finally got a trophy buck big enough for a shoulder mount to hang on the wall. Congrats Jeff on a great Hill Country buck.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Dudley And Wife Took A Road Trip Yesterday ...
to East TX to Ben Wheeler and Tyler. Went to Moore's Store to see the murals painted by Brent Hale, Dudleys College roommate. Also went to see the RC Cola and Moonpie mural that Brent did. Afterwards, we went and visited for a couple of hours with Brent and his wife Jill and Brent signed and numbered the Limited Edition Prints of his painting, First Down At Kickapoo of Dudleys late great father in law, Leonard Richard "Sparky" McLane. Dudley is looking forward to giving these as gifts to family and a few close friends.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Dudleys First Car, A 1976 Chevrolet Camaro ...
Happy Birthday Dad, I Sure Do Miss You ...
Monday, December 1, 2014
Dudley Topped Off His Fireplace Tools ...
today with a Finial he got from the guy that made them. It is a matching Whitetail Antler and really tops off the set nicely!
Franks Hog Ring Pliers And 200 Hog Rings ...
came today. He only has 198 Hog Rings now as Frank and Dudley had to try out the new tool. Going to come in real handy next time Frank makes Summer Sausage!

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