Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Frank Went Bowhunting Last Weekend ...
down at the farm in East TX. He did not see a single deer. He put some more corn out in front of his Pop Up blind. He checked his deer cam and saw no recent daytime activity. Deer are coming to eat the corn but under the cover of darkness. Frank was glad to get some more pics of the big 9 point Dudley named the "Bowie" buck because one of his big G2's is flat like the blade of a Bowie knife. Hopefully that buck will make a mistake during daylight hours and Frank or Jeff will get a chance at him. The best chance will be either the last part of Bow Season or the first part of Rifle Season during the Rut.
Cool Rod And Gun Magazine Cover From May 1957 ...
Dudley Put His 1961 Tonka "Sportsman" Truck Together Last Night ...
and strapped his reproduction Lone Star fishing boat to the top of the camper. Put the tailgate chains on and put it on display in the Man Cave. Dudley was going to get the truck repainted red and the camper white. The original paint looks so good am going to just leave it the original color. Dudley is going to put some little 1960 TX License plates on the front and rear and put a little TX inspection sticker on the windshield. Need to make some on the printer. Dudley is real pleased with how it turned out and thinks it is worth the $250.00 that it cost to put it all together.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Frank Hung His 9 Point In The Man Cave Today ...
Dudley And Wife Went To Kerrville Yesterday ...
to pick up Franks 9 point buck at Rhodes Brothers Taxidermy. The mount looks great. Dudleys wife stopped on the way back in Fredericksburg to do some shopping. Dudley sat in the car and listened to the A&M vs Arkansas football game. It was a long day. We stopped in Goldthwaite going and coming for hot spicy Chicken Crispitos and a Dr Pepper made with real Pure Cane Sugar. We went around the Willow City Loop on the way home. Saw a bunch of deer. It was a nice day in the beautiful Texas Hill Country but after 14 hours in the car, Dudleys Butt was tired!
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
More Furniture From Dudleys Mothers Condo ...
that Dudley put in our Reading Room/Man Cave. Dudley is going to put some of his hunting and fishing collectibles in the room. Dudley is also going to put his extensive Deer Hunting Library in the bookshelf. Need to also hang some Deer Heads in the room. Dudley ordered a Round Oak Rack that will hold 16 rods to display Dudleys collection of Fiberglass Fly Fshing Rods. Dudley is going to get a wood Lazy Susan and get Frank to help him attach it to the bottom of the fly rod rack so it can be rotated to inspect the flyrods. Dudley ordered a Power Chairside Table to put next to his recliner. He is going to put a lamp on the table and can charge his phone and the tablet he is going to get. Dudley has a lot of books that he has been buying for the last ten years or so that he needs to sit down and read. It will be nice to have a spot designated for reading where Dudley can keep his reading glasses, and the book he is reading and a bookmark. It is going to be a quiet relaxing room and Dudley is looking forward to spending many enjoyable hours in there catching up on his reading.
A Pic Of Some Of The Furniture From Dudleys Mothers Condo ...
which made a nice addition to our Home Theatre.
Dudley Bought Another Wings Of Texaco Airplane ...
today. It is the 18th in the series. The last picture is of Dudleys Great Uncle, Jefferson Davis "Duke" Jernigin Jr standing next to the real Texaco 16 plane. The picture was taken at an airport in Oklahoma probably when he flew the plane from the factory in CA to the Airport in New York or New Jersey where Texaco keipt their fleet of aircraft. JD was a pilot and later Sales Manager/Superintendent for Texacos Aviation Division. Great Uncle indeed!
Dudley Found A Picture He Has Been Looking For ...
for a long time. It was hidden away in a closet. Dudley scanned it and is going to reprint it and get it framed. It is a photo of the log cabin Dudley used to go to at the Northeastern Outing Club on the Illinois River near Talequah OK. Dudley spent many happy carefree days up there in the mid seventies until the early 80's. The cabin was owned by Neil and Mary Dow of Tulsa OK. They were related to Dudleys Stepfather. Neil was a retired salesman for National Cash Register Company. His Career spanned many decades and he started out selling the neat old mechanical cash registers and ended his career selling the modern electric models. When Dudley met him he had advanced Parkinson's and could no longer go fishing. He loved to fish when he was able and could have taught Dudley a lot about fishing in a River. Mary Dow was a great cook and made the best Chicken & Dumplings Dudley has ever eaten. The Dows cabin had the best lot in the club. Their cabin was situated on the top of a steep bluff overlooking a sharp bend in the River with a concrete staircase leading down to a concrete dock at the waters edge. From up on top of the bluff in front of the cabin you could look out and see the River and the Mountains beyond. There was a backwater slough just upstream from the cabin that was a good place to fish. The water was clear and Dudley spent many hours casting with his fly rod for both Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass and Bream. Dudley fished out of a Grumman Square Stern Aluminum Canoe and fly fished with a Martin "Tuffy" fly rod and Martin 63 "Tuna Can" fly reel he got at the S&H Green Stamp Store. Dudley slept good after a full day of swimming, fishing and paddling the canoe all day. Dudley always slept in a top bunk out on the screened in porch and would listen to the tree frogs and crickets as he drifted off to sleep each night. Dudley remembers one night lying in bed as a thunderstorm rolled in. Dudley could hear the thunder get louder as the storm got closer and watched a tremondous display of lightning in the night sky. Dudley has a lot of great memories, it was a special place.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Power Is Back On, Yay Now Dudley Can Get Some Sleep ...
Our Power Just Went Out And Probably ...
won't be restored until 12:30 AM. Now I can't go to sleep without my Bipap machine and Oxygen Concentrator. Those two pieces of equipment are what is keeping Dudley alive!
Bet Dudley Could Outrun The Game Warden In This Boat ...
Frank Used A Chainsaw To Remove A Tree Limb ,..
from our fence/gate. It did quite a bit of damage. Glad it did not hit the house!
Saturday, September 20, 2014
JT Caught A Nice Bass This Morning ...
Got Two New Game Cam Pics Of ...
one of the bucks Frank and I will be trying to hang a tag on in Zavala County in South Texas.
Friday, September 19, 2014
JT Got His First Hog Tonight ...
Our Crazy Old Cat Went Up On The Roof ...
this morning. She got up there and back down all by her self. For a 17 year old cat she is still pretty agile!
Frank And Our Friend JT Are On The Way ...
to Magnolia AR to go Hog Hunting. Frank is going to try and kill an Arkansas Razorback with his new Matthews Creed XS Bow. JT is going to try to get him one with his Savage .308 Deer Rifle. Frank went by Central Market and got two New York Strip Steaks and some Summer Sausage and two kinds of Cheese. He also got a 12 pack of Miller Light. They should not get hungry or thirsty on this hunting trip. Good Luck guys, hope you both get a big Hog!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Frank Ordered A Signed Framed Print By Guy Harvey ...
Of "The Old Man And The Sea" which is Dudleys favorite book written by Ernest Hemingway. Dudley has the Movie version on DVD with Spencer Tracy. Dudley liked the framed print so much that he looked on eBay and found two alternate mini prints with this same theme signed by Guy Harvey. Dudley bought two of them and is going to keep one and give the other one to Jeff for a present.

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