Sunday, August 31, 2014
Frank Is Trying Out His New Bradley Smoker Today ...
He is smoking ten pounds of Snack Sticks made out of a mixture of Hamburger and Pork. He did not want to use our Axis or Whitetail venison until he perfects his recipe and figures out his timing a little better. When these are done he is going to cut them to length and put some in ziplock bags to eat in the near future and vacuum seal the rest for storage in the freezer.
Frank Tried Out Our New Game Saver Vacuum Sealer Today ...
we traded some Axis Round Steak and Hamburger for some fresh caught Striper and Catfish fillets. Our neighbor and his wife went fishing up on Lake Texoma this weekend. Her Dad is a Striper Guide up there. May have to go up and go fishing with him some time.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Got Some Current Game Cam Pics ...
today of the big South Texas 8 Point Frank or Dudley are going to be trying to hang a tag on! It is an old heavy horned buck. I can't believe the mass and the length of his main beams and his G 2's are a foot long! His brow tines are starting to hook backwards. What a beautiful buck. The Ranch Owner said he is unpredictable. Hopefully Frank or Dudley will get lucky and get a chance at this monster! We have agreed that if either one of us sees him we are going to drop him if possible.
Finally Bowled A Perfect Game ...
on my phone app! Frank has done so many times, Now Dudley has done it!
Finally Got All The Hail Damaged Repaired ...
looks pretty good for a 10 year old truck!
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Frank Worked Up In Lawton Oklahoma Today ...
after spending the night there last night. He worked yesterday in Wichita Falls and Vernon TX. When Dudley was a kid, he went with his Dad and sister up to Lawton and Fort Sill OK. Dudley remembers his Dad driving us through the artillery range and seeing buildings that had been blown up. Dudley thought that was pretty cool. Dudley also remembers seeing the prison cell where Geronimo was held for a time after his capture. We also drove through the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. Frank got a little free time today and drove through part of the National Park. He sent me this photo of an open range Bison he saw by the road feeding. Pretty neat!
Bought Some Cool 100th Anniversary
combo packs of Rem Oil in reproduction glass and tin containers. These look pretty old school. Dudley is going to keep one for himself and give the other three to his hunting buddies for Christmas presents.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Dudley Ordered 12 New Replacement Windows ...
and a new replacement sliding patio door for Dudleys domicile. Did a lot of research on the types of windows available and the costs. The windows and doors being replaced were installed when the house was built in 1958. They had aluminum frames and single panes of glass. The old windows and door are still structurally sound but not very efficient given the 1950's technology. Dudley looked at vinyl windows but decided against them as aluminum window frames are more durable than those made of plastic. The windows and door Dudley chose have an exterior and interior aluminum frame seperated by a PVC thermal break. The windows and door will have two 1/8 inch thick pieces of glass set in the frame with a 5/8 inch spacer in between. The window and door frames are going to be the same cream color as the majority of the painted surface on the house. The owners of the Company live in Fort Worth, the glass is made in Corsicana, TX and the frames are manufactured and assembled in Dallas, TX. The Company Dudley chose also uses their own employees for the installation as opposed to contracting the work out. Dudley got a quantity discount and a discount for paying cash when the windows are installed and he is satisfied with the work.
The new windows and door should look really great, provide better security and help lower Dudleys heating and cooling bills.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Dudley Got A New Pair Of Binoculars Today ...
a pair of Swarovski CL 10 x 30's. They are going to be great for our deer hunting trip to South TX this fall. They are pretty compact and lightweight. Much easier to carry and use than Dudleys Leica 10 x 42 Geovids with the built in laser rangefinder. Those are better suited for Frank who is a lot stronger than Dudley and the rangefinder will come in handy when he is bow hunting.
Frank And Jeff Worked Most Of The Day ...
building a stand for our new smoker. Frank knows a man that owns a lumber yard in town and he went by early one morning before work and bought some Cedar 2x4's and 1x6's for the project. It took a good part of the day to complete and the end result looks great!
Friday, August 22, 2014
Frank Is Going To Help Raise Money ...
for Young Life today at a Charity Sporting Clay Shoot out at Walsh Northstar Ranch. It is a good cause and is a good way to get ready for Opening Day of Dove Season which is not far away!
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Bought A Pair Of Bear & Sons Cutlery ...
Game Shears today. Frank is going dove hunting in a few weeks with the Wingbandits. Last year the hunting was not as good as hoped far but a good time was had by all. They are going to be hunting a different ranch this year and word is that they will be hunting some big sunflower fields that should be covered over with dove!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
A Last Look At Dudleys Mothers Condo ...

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