Friday, September 27, 2013
Bought An Art Print On EBay For ...
less than ten bucks. It is by artist Louis Daniel of the Ft Worth & Denver RR Depot in Bowie, TX. A Cowboy is standing by the tracks with a saddle slung over his shoulder. It reminds me of a scene from the Newton Boys Movie. This Depot looks very similar to the Depot in Henrietta, TX just down the line about 30 miles to the NW. I have always loved this old B&W photo from the late 40's I would guess, showing this depot, an old step side pickup and the Wooden Water Tower for filling the boilers on the old Steam Locomotives!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Big Tex Is Back At The State Fair ...
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Frank Grilled Some Bacon Wrapped Dove ...
today. Jeff came over and we had a great lunch and watched the Cowboy game. We are all getting real excited about our Deer Hunting Trip to the TX Hill Country in a couple of months. I know Jeff will be able to take his personal best Whitetail Buck on this trip and there is a good chance Frank will as well.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Hoppe's # 9 Truck Air Freshener ...
One Hundred Year Old Bottle Of Hoppes #9 ...
Nitro Powder Solvent. My Dad taught me about this stuff many years ago and his Dad taught him. Saw this cool old bottle with the Cork stopper on eBay. Still buy this in the same glass bottle with a screw on metal lid. It has remained virtually unchanged for over a Century! I love the smell of Hoppes #9 in the morning ... it smells like ... Victory :)
Called Leopold The Other Day ...
and told them I received the Custom Dial calibrated for the ammo I would be using for my VX6 2x12 scope. I told the guy I spoke with that I was disappointed that the dial once installed would spin freely in both directions. I advised my sons VX3 3.5x10 scope with the CDS had a stop at 100 yards. He said when I ordered the dial they had not yet designed a Stop for it. He said they have one now and that he would put one in the mail to me at no cost. As soon as I get that installed, it will be time to go to the Range and shoot my new Deer Rifle.
Ordered A New Magazine Cap For My ...
Browning Sweet Sixteen. The gun does not have a scratch on it except for this one part.
Frank Brought This Cool Reproduction ...
antique Atlas Padlock home from the hunting trip. The guy that sponsored Frank to go on the hunt is a Professional Chef. He had enough money left over after buying the groceries to get everybody one of these. He told Frank they work real good to lock the door to your Wine Cellar, like we have one of those LOL.
Hey Vegetarians ...
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Some Pictures From The Dove Hunt ...
the Dove hunting has been kind of slow. I think Frank has bagged 9 dove so far. He said the grass and brush around the tanks they are hunting around is so dense that you can't recover all of the birds you knock down. They have killed three Rattlesnakes so far. Glad Frank invested in a pair of Chippewa Snake Boots last year. Tonight one of the guys killed a wild hog that made the mistake of coming up to a cattle feeder near the bunkhouse. They are hunting on a working cattle ranch totaling 75,000 acres!
Friday, September 13, 2013
Frank Left This Morning To Go On A 3 Day Dove Hunt ..
with the Wing Bandits to the Historic Moorhouse Ranch near Benjamin TX. He sent me a text earlier this afternoon saying he killed his first dove on the first shot with his Great Grandfathers Sweet Sixteen! It does not get much better than that.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Frank Grilled Some Fresh Alaskan ...
Halibut and Salmon fillets tonight. He went down to the Hill Country Labor Day with one of his friends. They stayed at his friends parents house. They had recently returned from a trip to Alaska. They were generous in sending some fish home for Frank and I to enjoy.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
May Be Some Truth To This LOL ...
Frank Went To The TCU Game Today ...
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Framed Two Enlarged Prints Yesterday ...
of Frank shooting his Great Grandfathers, Belgium made Browning Sweet Sixteen. The gun had not been fired in over 50 years and it performed flawlessly. Dudley felt the moment was worthy of being captured and hung up on the wall to be enjoyed by Frank for another 50 plus years.

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