Saturday, August 31, 2013
Frank Put Some Thompson's Water Sealer ...
on our new wood steps this morning. Our Painter used treated lumber but this should help shed rainwater and help make the steps last longer. We watched the A&M game today and then Frank left to go meet up with some coworkers to board a Charter Bus to go to Cowboys Stadium to watch the TCU vs LSU game tonight. I am going to stay home and watch the Ranger game and will be checking in on the football game as well.
Friday, August 30, 2013
The Volunteers At The Kansas Aviation Museum ...
are putting my Great Uncles Stearman back together. They are doing a great job!
Frank Contributed His Time Last Week ...
at an MDA Lock In. He raised some money to help those like Dudley who have to deal with Muscular Dystrophy on a daily basis. Thank You Son!
Monday, August 26, 2013
My Great Uncle Jefferson Davis "Duke" Jernigin ...
on the right with Frank Hawks during their cross country flight in the spring of 1930 from California to New York. The Texaco Eaglet was donated to the Smithsonian after the record setting flight.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Going To Watch The Silence Of The Hams Tonight ...
going to be a fun time watching Pig Man and Uncle Ted kill almost 500 wild hogs in two days from a helicoptor. Jeff is going to come over and Frank is going to grill two big racks of Pork Ribs and three Buffalo Burgers. Going to throw in a Lone Star Beer and a good time is sure to be had by all!
Friday, August 23, 2013
Here Is A Picture Of Frank Shooting Today ...

at a Charity Sporting Clay Shoot. He got to help a good cause and practice for his upcoming dove hunt. The best thing about the day was Frank shot his Great Grandfathers Browning Sweet Sixteen. Dudley's Grandfather gave it to Dudley when he graduated from College in 1981. The gun has not been fired in over 50 years! My Grandfather bought the gun new in 1959 after he retired. Dudley was born the same year. My Grandfather raised and trained his own bird dogs and hunted Quail for many years in East TX and made trips up north to hunt Pheasant. My Dad told me that my Grandfather hurt his back on the first trip he went on after he bought the gun and for whatever reason did not hunt any more after that trip.Dudley was one or two years old and my dad rode a train up and helped get his Dad back home. When I got the gun my Dad told me he doubted it had even had a whole box of shells fired through it. Gran, Frank broke your gun in today and had a great time. He scored 32/50 shots. I hope you were watching from above. I love you so much, Thank You for everything!
Frank Is Shooting In A Charity Sporting Clays ...
I Scanned A Drawing Today Of My Maternal Grandfather ...
in 1945. He was a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army and was the commander of a base in London England. The artist was a German Prisoner Of War.
Frank Got A Case Of Shotgun Shells Today ...
He is going dove hunting for 3 days next month out in West Texas on a 75,000 acre ranch. I hope he gets a limit each day as it has been several decades since I have had any dove to wrap in bacon and grill.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Frank Painted My Star Red ...
to match the trim on the house. Hung it up yesterday on the back porch. He did a great job, it looks real nice!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Saw This On EBay Today ...
a restored Johnson Sea Horse 5 horsepower outboard motor from the late 1940s. This is from the good old days when most fisherman did not own a boat. They would buy a small outboard and gas tank and put it in the trunk of the car when they wanted to go fishing and drive to a lake or river and rent a boat at one of many fishing camps. My dad went on many such fishing trips after he was discharged from the service at the end of WWII. He did not own an outboard, but his best friend did!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Frank Repainted Our Mailbox Today ...
Got The New Doormat I Ordered ...
and put it on the front porch last week. It is made from recycled water bottles and tires.

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