Monday, January 4, 2010


Dudley Is Getting Ready To Watch The Fiesta Bowl ...

tonight. Dudley and family will be cheering on the hometown university. TCU should win this game, the way they have been playing, I think they can beat any college team out there. The City of Fort Worth has been supporting the team as have many local businesses. Dudley did not go to TCU but his mother and father both have degrees from TCU. Dudley was given the choice of going there and living at home or going to any State University and living in the dorm. Dudley chose SFA in East Texas because of it's proximity to some of the best bass fishing in the State of Texas. Hey there is more to life than higher learning. The college experience is a great time in a young persons life. Better enjoy it while you can because soon after graduating life gets a lot more complicated in a hurry. We are in store for some brutally cold weather later on this week. Dudley is not going to get out any more than he has to this week. Go Frogs!

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