Monday, August 31, 2009
Dudley Is Trying To Keep From Having To Call A ...

Saturday, August 29, 2009
People Are Dumber Than Dudley Thought ...
Friday, August 28, 2009
Dudley Bought A Book The Other Day Online ...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
... Light It Up Like A Christmas Tree.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Concerning The Death Of Ted Kennedy ...
So Many Accessories, So Little Time ...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Perfect Girlfriend ...
You Mr. President Are A Fraud, I Have PROOF You Were Born In Kenya ...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Piggyback Ride World Track Championship ...
Liberals This Is The Only View You Need To See ...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Firearms (In Certain Situtations, Much) More Useful Than A Camera ...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Dudley Is Holding Down The Fort Today ...

while everyone else has gone in different directions. Lizzie and her Aunt Lo have gone to the Beauty shop for a Pedicure and then were going out to eat lunch and then go play with Aunt Lo's dog. Frank went out to eat lunch with his buddy Jeff and then they are going to go out to the golf club above for 18 holes of golf. The course they are playing used to be the old base course for Carswell AFB. It is now a Naval Air Station and Joint Reserve Base and I think when they decommissioned Carswell, they must have sold off the golf course to a private developer. Looks like a pretty nice place. It is open to the public but like everything these days, it is not cheap. I think it costs 50.00 to play on weekends. I think they may include the cart rental. Frank went by the local Sports and Outdoors Store and bought 15 new balls. He said it was a mad house and to stay away. It is the before school TAX Free weekend and the shoppers are out in full force. On the way Frank called and said it looked like they are having a Tea Party Protest near a local mall. He saw a lady holding a sign proclaiming My Government, My Taxes, My Health Care! He did not see anyone brandishing any weapons like they were in Arizona last week. Texas does not allow open carry but there are those who would like to see a law passed to allow it. Dudley prefers the concealed carry law the way it is. Keep the bad guys guessing just who is carrying and who is not. We got a good rain shower yesterday morning. Frank will have to mow the yard tomorrow. Dudley's wife is getting ready to go to the store. We are going to have fried catfish and waffle fries tonight. Will watch the Rangers and eat one of Dudley's favorite things. Unable to eat shrimp any more after developing an allergy to the iodine in the shrimp after having a medical procedure done where they injected Dudley with iodine and Dudley had a reaction and had to be rushed across the street to the ER. Wish I had never had that damn test done so I could still be eating shrimp. Afraid to eat crawfish now for the same reason. Dudley enjoyed watching the Dallas Cowboys play the first game last night in the new stadium. It was awesome and the Cowboys actually played well unlike the first pre season game. Frank bought a ticket for the first regular season game against the New York Giants but he bought a Standing Room Only ticket. Dudley would rather watch the game from the comfort of his recliner.
Friday, August 21, 2009
On The Way Home From The Shooting Range ...

Frank and Dudley took a detour off of the Interstate and went to the Rusty Star BBQ for a late lunch. Dudley had seen this place featured on a cooking show on the Travel channel. Anthony Bourdain had gone there with Ted Nugent who has a ranch nearby. Dudley and Frank both ate a sliced beef sandwich. Frank had a bag of chips. It was not the best BBQ Dudley has ever eaten but it was really good. Dudley saw a photo on the wall of Ted Nugent with two big whitetail bucks he had bagged. There also was a photo on the wall of George and Laura Bush. Both Ted Nugent and George and Laura Bush own large ranches in the area. On the way home, Frank went on the back roads. We drove through Valley Mills, Clifton, Meridian, Glen Rose and Granbury making it home just after the Ranger game had started. We saw quite a few beautiful Texas Courthouses driving the back roads. It was the end of a great adventure. Shooting an AR-15 and eating good Texas BBQ in the same day. Man it does not get any better than that!
What Have We Done, Got It From Cary ...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Dudley And Frank Went To The Texas Hill Country ...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Rule Number One, Never Take A Knife To A Gun Fight ...
In Stark Contrast To Ammunition Availability, There Is No Shortage Of This Commodity ...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez Is A Texas Ranger Again !!!

Dudley and his family are so excited to see Pudge coming home. Dudley has been watching Pudge his entire career. Back when Frank played little league, he was a catcher and dreamed of playing in the Major Leagues. Pudge was his hero and he is special to all Ranger fans. Dudley will never forget the game when Pudge was playing in Arlington at home when a player hit a pop up behind home plate. Pudge ran up to the wall and leaned over the rail and caught the ball right before it landed in a ladies lap. She was holding a drink and a big tray of Nachos and Pudge saved her from losing her food. She smiled at Pudge after he caught the ball and he smiled back and reached up and grabbed a Nacho and dipped it in the cheese and ate it. The entire Ballpark cheered! That is one of Dudley's favorite memories of the Texas Rangers. There have been so many over the years. Maybe the Rangers will make it to the playoffs this year. Maybe they will make it to the World Series. Dudley can dream and with Pudge coming home, Dudley's dream just may come true.
Frank And Dudley Went And Bought A New ...

The Royal Fart, Got It From Cary ...

The expressions are priceless! Look at the Queen's face.
She is not amused!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Firepower, The More The Merrier ...
Oh This Makes Me Feel Better ...
Friday, August 14, 2009
Dudley Reckons She Must Have Had Triplets ...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Somebody Needs To Report Grandma To The White House, She May Be A Risk To National Security ...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Dudley Entered A Sweepstakes Drawing The Other Day ...

If We The People Of The United States Of America Let Him ...
Monday, August 10, 2009
Hotel Collapse In Taiwan ...
It's Like The Sun ...
We Should Have Followed This Advice Last November ...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Here Are Some Photos Of The Guadalupe River ...

down in the Texas Hill Country. They are experiencing a drought down there right now that rivals the great drought of the 1950's. The rivers and creeks and lakes are drying up. The first two photos show the way this area normally looks when there is water in the river. The last three show the way the river looks now. They need some rain bad down that way and on into South Texas. Hopefully a tropical depression will come this month or next and bring some much needed rain. Dudley has been on a lot of great deer hunting trips down that way in the past and both of Dudley's kids have gone to summer camps in that area of the state. Dudley saw on the news the other day that Lake Travis right outside Austin is 44 feet low! Did I mention they need some rain down there in the Texas Hill Country? Not much going on today, am going to watch the Texas Rangers play the Angels in a couple of hours. The Rangers got beat yesterday in a one run game. They had the opportunity to win but did not come through. Frank went over and ran some errands this morning for his grandmother. After he did that he went over to his Aunt's house and took her SUV to the car wash for her. He came by the house for a few minutes to get his golf clubs and he is on the way for his annual golf outing with one of his buddies. Dudley has got to go, the dog is scratching at the back door, she wants in NOW!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Who Would You Rather Have Defending You ...
Friday, August 7, 2009
Illegal Aliens Have There Own Rap Group Now ...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Dudley Went For His Six Month Check Up ...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tesla Roadster
The Weekend Is Near, Hang In There ...
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