Friday, August 24, 2007


Took My Daughter To Her Drivers Ed Class Friday

She started taking drivers ed at the beginning of the summer. She went to Colorado mountain climbing and missed the last two classes and is making them up. Then she will start the in car driving with an instructor. She has had a learners permit most of the summer and has been driving with her mother. I taught her older brother to drive without any real problems until I started to teach him to drive the Jeep with a standard transmission. Then the fun began! In all fairness to him part of his trouble was due to the Jeep needing some major carburetor work at the time. It was prone to dying suddenly. We got through that and now he drives the Jeep like a pro. We chose the driving class for Lizzie due to her sharing some of her fathers character traits like being short on patience, and being a little high strung or at times wound up a little too tight. I think this was the best decision for the both of us. On the way there she went in and paid for gas and put it in the tank for her disabled father. She is a big help to me and I really appreciate it.

Remember taking that in school. Huge deal to take the exam, and then dad wouldn't let me drive for days till my insurance went active. Agony.
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