Yesterday I watched two guys backing a 2 wd pickup across the front yard and they started yanking all of the shrubs out with a tow strap. I asked if they were getting paid to do that and they said yes. I told them I knew an 18 year old kid that would do it for free. I then said he would probably pay you to let him pull them out with his 4 wd pickup. They laughed and said a group of investors had recently purchased the home and they were doing a complete make over. I am glad to see something happen with the property. The house was owned by a nearby church and was their parsonage. The longtime resident preacher died about two years ago. The church let his widow live there for about a year then they gave her the boot. She told my wife she tried to buy the house but that they wanted too much for it. The home has been vacant for the last year. The church was not taking care of the home. We have had a wet spring and summer and they were not mowing the yard. The weeds got to be six feet tall in the back yard and at times three or four feet tall in the front. I think the house needs to have the kitchen and bath rooms redone. Some new floor coverings and new paint. The guy told me they are going to put on a new roof next week. After all that is done it will be good as new. This will be good for the neighborhood. I hope we get some good neighbors.
# posted by JDP @ 5:23 PM