Saturday, September 2, 2017


Dudley Has A Replica Of A Napoleon 12 Pounder Cannon ..,

from the Civil War. It was made by Penncraft years ago. Dudley bought it from a museum that was closing and liquidating the NOS merchandise from their gift shop.  Not sure what scale it is but it is about 8 inches in length. When Dudley was a kid, his Dad took Dudley and sister to Fort Sill OK. Got to see the cell in the fort where Geronimo was kept prisoner for a time. Also got to ride around the Artillery Range on the fort. Dudleys Great Aunts husband, Frank Ogilvie trained there when WWI broke out and was an officer in the Army and Commander of an Artillery Unit. Dudleys Dad bought him a smaller version of this same cannon that day. Years later when Dudley was a pre teen he got to thinking it would be cool to fire his canon. Dudley was pretty industrious he took the gun powder out of several black cat fireworks. He poured the powder down the barrel of the cannon. He then shoved a small gun cleaning patch down and then put 3 bb's in and finished with a second patch. There was a hole conventientl drilled from the top of the brass barrel at the breech. Dudley would take a fuse out of a small lady finger firecracker and place it in the hole and push it down into the gunpowder. Then it was simply a matter of lighting the fuse with a match and BOOM Dudley had a working cannon!

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