Friday, September 21, 2007


I See Ol King Tut Is Making A Comeback After ...

a thirty year hiatus. He probably wishes they would just leave him alone. You know he got pretty pissed when that Carter fellow interrupted his 5000 year nap. Something about a curse. They say the guy that funded the expedition that discovered the tomb died mysteriously soon after and at the time of his death, all of the lights in Cairo Egypt suddenly went out. I don't know, Tut may be mad at me my lights go out pretty regular. He may remember in 1977, I was a freshman in college and I went on a trip to New Orleans to see the King Tut exhibit at the museum. It was a great trip, the school chartered two big ol buses. We headed out of town and the bus drivers were pretty cool, they stopped at the first liquor store we passed. The drivers did not drink, but I am not so sure about the other kids on the bus. For some reason my memory of the rest of the bus trip is not very clear. We did make it to New Orleans and stayed in an old Hotel near downtown. I think the name of the place was the Fountainbleau. I have an idea that must mean "rat hole" in French. The place was a dump. The next day we went to the King Tut exhibit. The lines to get in were long and the museum was packed. It was worth it though, the items on display were spectacular. I especially liked the burial mask. I remember in the exhibit, some poor teenage girl had lost one of her contact lenses in a crowd of people, her and her mom and dad and her brother were on the floor on all fours looking for it. That night, a bunch of us kids went down to the French Quarter. We went to Pat O'Briens and I drank me a Hurricane. I remember walking on the sidewalk with a large group of kids and as we passed an open doorway, I looked in and was surprised to see a rather attractive young lady dancing on the bar. She was wearing a pair of high heeled shoes and that was it! Well I went to college to get an education didn't I? I think I figured out why she climbed up on that bar. I bet her name was Katrina, and she knew a big hurricane was coming, and she didn't want to get her feet wet.

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