Friday, July 29, 2016
Frank And Jeff Hung Two Canoe Paddles Up Today ...
on the wall of the Dining Room. Frank had a couple of unused wooden canoe paddles. He and Jeff sanded them and restained them and put them up under Frank's 20 lb 36" long Redfish he caught down at the Texas Coast. Looks really great! A nice addition to their Hunting and Fishing Lodge.
Dudley Ordered A Priority Mail Flat Rate Variety Pack ...
The USPS will deliver these to my door. Got a pretty good deal ...
Variety Pack 4 Boxes 00.00
Shipping 00.00
Handling 00.00
Total Cost ZERO
You can't beat a deal like that!
Dudley Needs To Get Some Of These Pickup Truck Forever Stamps ...
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Dudley Got Three 5 Packs Of Indian Tabac Tee Pee Cigars ...
on the way to the Dudley Domicile. Won them in an auction on These cigars have been discontinued and are pretty scarce. Need these to restock the humidor.
"Beyond A Young Boy's Dream" By Astronaut Artist Alan Bean ...
Dudley was a kid during the Space Race. It was a great time to grow up. Astronaut Alan Bean walked on the Moon. He grew up in the same neighborhood as Dudley in Fort Worth. Went to the same Highschool. When Dudleys mother bought a house in Westcliff, the elderly lady, Mrs Eilenberger who had lived in the house for decades told us that the grass in the yard had been planted by Alan Bean when he was a young man living with his parents. Dudley never walked on the moon but he followed in the foot steps of the famous astronaut when he mowed the grass at our house!
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Way Back In 1968 ...
Dudley collected all of the Frito Bandito Erasers he could get a hold of. They were a Hot Commodity in the 4th Grade at Fain Elementary School in Wichita Falls, TX.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
This Is A Look Way Back In Dudleys Youth ...
of a great childhood memory. It was in Wichita Falls at Fun-Land Amusement Park. When Dudley was a little kid he would go there every chance he could. One of his favorite rides when he was real little was the old time Carousel. Dudley would ride on a horse and shoot back at the Cowboy and Indian that was trying to shoot Dudley. When they would shoot a bright red light would flash in the end of their gun barrel. Dudley found a video on YouTube that showed the Cowboy and Indian for just a split second. Dudley was able to capture a screen shot of this great memory. It was a simpler time.
Frank And Jeff Went To The Farm In East TX ...
to refill the Corn Feeder and check the Deer Cams. Getting some pics of does and fawns and some young bucks. No mature bucks yet but they are out there. They always show up on camera later on, usually under the cover of darkness. Got some pics of a big boar hog mostly at night. Frank and Jeff grilled bacon wrapped filets last night. This morning they got up early and went fishing at Purtis Creek State Park. Jeff caught 3 Bass and Frank caught 2.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Dudley And Wife Went To Weatherford Today ...
to the Farmers Market to buy some Parker County Peaches. Stopped on the way back at the Malt Shop for Cheeseburgers and fries and a Dr Pepper. On the way into town we stopped at a furniture store and looked for a new recliner. Back at the Dudley Domicile now waiting for the Ranger Game to start.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Frank Made A Dry Run To The Wood Lot Today ...
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Shin Oak Whitetail By Donald R Dunn ...
a great Texas Artist. It reminds Dudley of his many Deer Hunting Trips to the Texas Hill Country. Dudley bought this Open Edition Print over 30 years ago. Dudley bought it to hang in his office back in the early 80's. It has been in a closet for some time. It needed a new frame. Dudley gave it to Frank and he reframed it today. Looks great hanging on the wall at his house!
Monday, July 18, 2016
Cohiba Cigar Ashtray And Cigar ...
Dudley got the Ashtray years ago when he met a Cuban Senorita. Dudley remembers she sat down on the other side of his desk and learned forward. When she did, Dudley got a good look at her two very large Boobs as she was wearing a low cut blouse. She sure knew how to "Dress To Impress" She smiled and reached into her purse and pulled this Cohiba Ashtray out and slid it across the desk towards Dudley. Dudley took the Ashtray, smiled back and thanked her for the gift. Dudley doesn't remember exactly what her business was that day but Dudley no doubt did what he could to help her!
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Chimney On My Uncles Ranch In Palo Pinto County ...
Likely built in the mid 1800's by an early pioneer to heat a log cabin and for cooking. For a time during the 1870's, during the Indian Wars, raiding parties of Comanche Warriors would ride through the countryside under a full moon, stealing horses and taking scalps. They often would set fire to any log cabins they came across leaving nothing left but a stone chimney for later generations to gaze upon and wonder.
Sunrise On The Village Bend Of The Brazos River ...
Dudleys Uncles Ranch was just downstream from there. Spent a lot of time camping out in the riverside cabin. Deer hunting and Turkey hunting. Fishing in the creek and river. Shooting giant Alligator Gar from the Cliffs. Dove hunting, Quail hunting. Four Wheeling in my Jeep CJ-5. Lots of great memories.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Dudley Had To Buy A New Lawnmower Today ...
Thursday, July 14, 2016
One Of Dudleys All Time Favorites ...
What Are You Looking At Woose?
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
The Late Great John Alexander Graves III ...

Monday, July 11, 2016
2017 Dodge Barracuda ...
Dudley needs to win the Lottery!
Col Sam Robertson Was A Badass ...
One by one our dearest old timers
Are passing to the other shore
There is no one to fill their places,
Or bear the cross they so nobly bore
His passing will not affect the bankers,
It is the poor and lowly who lost a friend,
Their dear old “Colonel” has left themselves,
And for him their prayers to God ascend.
Sam was in a class to himself,
No one with him will ever compare,
Rugged, honest, kind and loving,
Ever willing to do and dare.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Frank Put Two Beef Briskets On The Smoker ...
before 6:00 AM this morning. Just took them off a little while ago. Going to be good!
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Jeff Hung Frank's TV Up Over The Fireplace ...

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