Monday, October 26, 2015
Dudley Learned Today Not To Set His iPhone Down In Direct Sunlight For
Any Length Of Time ...
Went To The Rifle Range Today, Ready To Go Hunting ...
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Frank Finished The Carpentry Work On His Deer Stand ...
this weekend. Saturday Chace came over and helped Frank cut out the Stringers and Steps. Frank watched some YouTube Videos on how to do this but Chace has a Bachelor's Degree in Construction Science from Texas A&M which did not hurt. This morning, Frank and Jeff went to the McLane Farm in East TX and built the stairway using some galvanized metal hanger brackets. They cleared some brush with Franks chain saw to open up the view from Jeff's Rifle Stand. Frank needs to get an office chair in place and he and Jeff will be ready for Opening Day of Rifle Season!
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Franks Buddy Sent Him A Pic Of A Good Buck ...
on the farm next door to where Frank and Jeff are hunting. Check out those split brow tines!
Dudley Got A Signed Copy Of The Texas Land Report Today ...
It is signed by Wyman Meinzer, the Texas State Photographer. Has a story and some great photos of the Antler Creek Dugout.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Frank Checked The Deer Cams This Evening ...
The big Non Typical Buck is showing up on a regular basis but so far only at night. Glad to see some day time Pig action!
Frank Hung The "Bowie Buck" Up In His Room ...
last night. This buck is the biggest buck Frank has ever bagged. It gross scored 143 6/8 BC. The buck is extra special because it is the first Wallhanger Frank got from his late Grandfather's farm in East TX.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Frank Saw A Couple Of Does This Morning ...
but they were not within his comfortable Bow Range.
This Is A Fascinating Photo From The 1870's ..,
that was purchased in San Francisco for a few dollars by a lucky person. It has been authenticated to have been taken in Lincoln County New Mexico and is only the second known photo to exist of famous Old West Outlaw, Billy The Kid. He and some of the Regulators are playing a game of Croquet in the yard of a house. Dudley has been to Lincoln New Mexico and read a lot of the history and stories about BTK. Dudley is not an expert but thinks the guy on the left is the Real Deal! There is going to be a show about the Photo on Nat Geo on Sunday Oct 18 at 8:00 PM. Dudley is going to be sure to watch it. Not sure how much the photo would sell for at auction but I read the owner had it insured for 5 M after it was authenticated.
Frank Is Comparing His Biggest East TX Buck ..,
to the first buck his late Grandfather got down at the McLane Farm way back in 1978. Two great Deer Hunters and two great Bucks taken 36 years apart!
Frank And Jeff Went To The Sportsman's Memory Shop ...
after they got through Bowhunting this morning. Frank picked up the "Bowie Buck" that he got on the McLane Farm in East TX last year on November 8th. The Shoulder Mount looks great! Frank and Jeff scored the Buck at 143 6/8 B&C, Gross Inches. This is Frank's best buck to date.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Go Rangers Win Another ALDS Championship ...
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Dudley Got Up Early To Go Watch The Convoy ...
Link to video of the MVPA Convoy crossing the Mary's Creek Bridge on the Bankhead Hwy...
Map showing part of the Convoy's Route along the Bankhead Highway.
Dudley Went To Farrington Field Yesterday ...
to take some pictures of some of the restored Military Vehicles.

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