Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Found A Picture Today Of My Stepfather. ...
with the first and only deer he ever killed. He killed the 8 point buck on December 17, 1961 with a borrowed deer rifle. He was hunting on his first cousins, husbands 5,000 acre deer lease on the Gates Ranch in South Texas. He went down there every year through the 70's. Dudley has the rack out in the garage. It came off of the wooden plaque it was attached to. Dudley needs to take it to his taxidermist and get it fixed.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Frank Got A Trail Cam Pic From His Buddy Phillip ...
of a nice 8 point down at the farm in East TX. Frank and Jeff and Phillip will be trying to hang a tag on that buck :)
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Received Another Email From My Relative ...
In Denmark. He sent me a picture of my Great Great Grandparents,
Poul Poulsen and Kerstin Poulsen...
Monday, June 17, 2013
1979 Z-28 And An East Texas Red Dirt Road ...
man it does not get much better than that, those were the days!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Nash Industries "Fifteen Toes" Sidewalk Surfboard ...
made here in Fort Worth in a factory near the old Seminary South Shopping Center. My sister and I both got one of these from Fedmart in Wichita Falls when we were kids. I lost a couple of baby teeth one day when the skateboard stopped and I kept going head first into the sidewalk.
YellaWood®: "Hard Work" / Full Song ...
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Legacy Power Wagon Close Ups ...
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Hee Church In Denmark Where Dudley's GGF Was Christened ...
Sunday, June 9, 2013
1940's NOS Red Rocket Snow Sled ...
for sale on EBay. If Dudley wasn't fixing to spend a bunch of money to get the exterior of his house painted, he would buy this and hang it on the wall. It is a work of Art. They don't make them like this any more!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Dudley Received An Email Recently ...
from a distant relative from Denmark. He had been speaking to an elderly family member about members of the family that immigrated to America. Dudley had done a post titled The Most Famous Relative On My Fathers Side Of The Family. The man I have been communicating with was researching on the Internet and saw this post and sent me an Email. He has sent me a wealth of information on my Danish ancestors and I sent him an 18 page Biography about the life of my Great Grand Father, Iver K Poulsen and a picture of him I found on the Internet. Imagine my surprise when he sent me a picture of the farmhouse where my GGF was born in 1846. The farmhouse was built in 1832!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Frank Shooting Sporting Clays For The Spirit Of Hope Foundation ...
Monday, June 3, 2013
Frank Participated In A Charity Sporting Clays Shoot ...
on Saturday. He had a blast helping to raise money for the Spirit Of Hope Foundation. He broke 48 of 100 Clay Targets. Not bad since this was the first time he shot on a Sporting Clays Course. He has shot Skeet and Trap before. The shots in Sporting Clays are more varied and more accurately reflect actual hunting conditions. Frank shot his Browning 12 gauge BPS shotgun he got for HS Graduation.

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