Sunday, April 28, 2013
My Great Uncle, Jefferson Davis "Duke" Jernigin ...
taking delivery of a 1931 Stearman Biplane "Texaco 11" at the factory in Wichita, KS. I received this photo recently from Walter House, the Historian at the Kansas Aviation Museum. He had seen my
blog post about my Great Uncle. He told me they are in the process of restoring this aircraft. How cool is that.
Here Are Some Photos Of The Restoration ...
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Sunday Evening Frank Grilled Some Venison Fajitas ...
and Jeff came over and we ate like Kings and drank a cold beer and watched some hunting shows. Jeff brought his Great Grandfathers Winchester 1873 that he inherited for me to see. It is an amazing lever gun with a heavy Octagonal Barrel. Jeff also brought a pair of Mexican Made Spurs that his Great Grandfather found while he was down on a Ranch in the Texas Hill Country many decades ago. He had sat down to eat his lunch under a big tree and saw something sticking up out of the ground. He started digging and unearthed this pair of spurs. If only the spurs and the old Winchester could talk, the stories they could tell!
Frank Put Up His Cowboy Hat Rack ...
and his Key/Cap Rack in his room last weekend. He also mowed the yard and did some other chores for me and his Grandmother. Thanks son!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Dudley Could Not Put It Off Any Longer...
and went to the Eye Dr yesterday and got an exam and ordered some glasses. Dudley has to go in to get his Drivers License renewed next month and is pretty sure he will not be able to pass the eye test. He just barely got by the last time he had to go in over ten years ago.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Frank And Jeff Went Fishing Today ...
for the first time in a long while. They had fun and caught two or three bass each. Nothing real big but some nice healthy bass. The water is still a little cold. Maybe they can go back next weekend and catch some big ones!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Opening Day At The Ball Park ...
go Rangers! Frank is at the game and sent me this picture. Dudley is holding down the fort and watching the game from the comfort of his recliner :)

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