Saturday, March 16, 2013
Dudley Installed His WINCHESTER Key/Cap Rack ...
today by the front door. It is getting to the point where Dudley can hardly do these type projects any more. Having Muscular Dystrophy is not for wimps. When I am able to complete a small project it is a big victory in the battle against the progressive neuromuscular. Disease!
Dudley Installed His NOS DAZEY Can Opener ...
today. Bought this almost ten years ago off EBay. Going to come in handy for opening cans of Wolf Brand Chili.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Got A Marlin Key/Cap Rack Today ...
am going to give this one to Frank to hang in his room.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Frank And Dudley Went To Strawn TX Today ...
to eat lunch at Mary's Cafe. Dudley has been wanting to go there for a long time. They have been awarded the title of the best CFS, Chicken Fried Steak in the State of Texas. Dudley got a small CFS with a baked potato and Frank got a medium CFS with French fries. Frank drank iced tea and Dudley got a Dr Pepper. It was worth the 70 mile drive one way. It was without a doubt the best CFS Dudley has ever eaten!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Got A New WINCHESTER Key Rack Today ...
Bought it off EBay from a lady who said she got it out of her mother in laws attic. Not sure how old it is but it is well made and is plenty sturdy. May hang it by the front door to hang keys or caps on. I also bought one for Frank that says MARLIN and has a cowboy on horseback holding a rifle. It is black in color.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Dudley Thought He Might Get A Personalized License Plate ...
for the first time until he saw the cost of $395.00 for one year. No Thanks but hey he got the cool graphic for free :)
Dudley Got His New Turkey Call Today ...
it is made by C.M.Brumfiel's OLD School Turkey Calls. It is a reproduction of an Archibald Rutledge "Miss Seduction" box call. The box is made of Sassafras and the cover is of Maple it came with a reproduction of the letter AR sent out with his calls. It is awesome and has a great sound. One of these days I hope Frank can use this call to lure in his first turkey. Thanks Chris! GOBBLE, GOBBLE ... "BOOM"!

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