Monday, December 31, 2012
Dudley Bought Nine Old Herters Decoy Weights ...
on EBay the other day. Dudley is going to paint some of them yellow and some orange to match the color of the bills on the Mallard decoys he got for Christmas. He is going to rig them up with some cord and put a hen and drake in front of the fireplace. Going to give a pair to Frank and the other pair to Jeff.
Frank And I Went To Bass Hall Saturday ...
night to see and hear Robert Earl Keen in the last performance of his Merry Christmas From The Fam-o-lee tour. We had great seats just six or seven rows back from the stage. REK puts on a great show!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Dudley Got A Half Dozen NOS ...
Victor 1967 D9 Mallard Deck Decoys for Christmas. Dudley is going to put a Drake and Hen in front of his fireplace. Frank wants a pair as well. Dudley can sit in his recliner and look at his "dekes" and remember his duck hunting exploits from his College days.
Dudley And Lizzie With "Foxy" ...
the Hansa Puppy Lizzie got for Christmas. We sure do miss our American Eskimo dog that passed away last January.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
We Had A White Christmas ...
here at the Dudley domicile. It started snowing after lunch. We did not get quite as much snow as 2009, but Dudley will take it. Happy Birthday Jesus!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
I Survived The Mayan Apocalypse!!!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Frank Went To The Range This Morning ...
to take our .243 Remington Model 700 and Leupold scope to check the zero. The gun was shooting well. He put three shots in two holes just up from and to the right of the bullseye. He is taking his GF to East TX to go deer/hog hunting this weekend.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
This Cool Weaver Scopes Dealer Wall Clock ...
sold on EBay a while back. I am going to watch for another one, I think that is a real neat clock face with the running buck!
Frank Got A Big Box Of Frozen Deer Meat ...
delivered by UPS. The lady was struggling to carry the heavy box up to the house and up the front steps. Sure am looking forward to eating some grilled bacon wrapped backstrap and some snack sticks!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Frank Put My New Texas Classic License Plates ...
Call Him Johnny Heisman ...
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Frank And His Buddies Made It Back ...
from the TX Hill Country and the 2012 Doe Safari is Complete. They took a total of six deer. Looking forward to some Bacon Wrapped Backstrap on the Grill!
Happy Birthday Dad !!!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Bought Myself An Early Christmas Present ...
today on EBay. It is a Dewalt corded variable speed/reversible 3/8 inch drill/driver. For the last few years Frank and I have been using a cordless drill he got as a gift but as always happens the battery quit working. I have never had good luck with cordless tools. It seems the batteries always give out before the tool does. Hopefully this drill will give many years of service.

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