Sunday, November 25, 2012
Frank And Phillip Rescued A Button Buck Saturday Morning ...
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Frank Passed On A Doe This Morning ...
but he did take a photo of her feeding on corn he had put out in the power line ROW with his bumper spin feeder. Frank and Jeff and Jeffs cousin are going on a doe hunt down in the TX Hill Country so Frank decided not to take a doe this year at the farm. His buddy Phillip shot a good sized doe this morning. Live weight was around 130 lbs.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Bought A Sir Duncan Spin Top ...
on EBay. One of many toys I remember from my childhood. Just bought one and it cost more than seventy nine cents! Somebody had three cases of these for sale a while back for around one hundred bucks for a dozen NOS spin tops. I did not want to spend that much but given what one cost me I should have bought the case. Would have been a better deal.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Franks Buddy Phillip Killed A 205 LB Boar Hog ...
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Frank Got A Spike Buck This Morning ...
the first buck with his new deer rifle. He quickly field dressed and iced down his buck and took him to the processor. Looking forward to some bacon wrapped back strap!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Got My NOS Ray O Vac Sportsman Lantern ...
fired up today. Bought it off EBay a while back. It works like a champ. Nothing like a quality USA made product! I don't know the date it was manufactured but am sure it was decades ago. Going to put this by the bed and use it as a night light. I don't have any place to plug in a lamp because all of the plugs are being used by the machines that keep me breathing at night.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Got Some More Pics From Franks Deer Cam ...
looks like a wide variety of wildlife is checking out the recently planted food plot.A Hog, Deer, Coyote and Bobcat were all caught on camera last week. No trophy bucks yet. When the oats come up, hopefully that will pull in some does and some big bucks!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Frank And Jeff Went Out To The Gun Range ...
yesterday to sight in their deer rifles. The season opens Saturday. I hope they have good luck and can kill a big buck!

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