Monday, August 20, 2012
Dudley Bought A New Book Recently ...
looking forward to reading it.
Frank Spent Three Hours In "Jail" For An MDA Fundraising Event ...
At a fancy restaurant in downtown Fort Worth. Thank You Frank and the friends and family members that donated to help those like Dudley that suffer from this crippling disease.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Went With Frank Yesterday To Pick Up His Deer Rifle ...
at the Gunsmith in Stephenville, TX. It looks like he did a good job accurizing the Kimber Montana. He re bedded the stock and worked to smooth and lighten the trigger pull. From the looks of the target, it appears the rifle is now capable of shooting consistent 3 shot groups.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Frank Bought A New Shooting Rest Yesterday ...
I talked to the gunsmith the other day and he is through with work on Franks deer rifle. He re did the glass bedding of the stock and re floated the barrel. He also did some work to lighten and smooth out the trigger pull. The gunsmith said he shot the gun at 75 yards and was able to get three shot groups of less than one inch. Looking forward to seeing what the gun will do on the 100 yard range.

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