Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Frank And Jeff Got Some More Pictures Of Bucks ...

on their deer cams. Problem is the big bucks have become nocturnal like they do every year after the hunting season opens. Hard to get a scope on a big buck in East Texas unless you catch one out in the light of day early in the season or get lucky and catch one trailing a doe during the rut. Frank is going to go back and hunt Christmas. Maybe he will get lucky. The Friday after Thanksgiving, Frank and Jeff were hunting in Jeff's stand and saw a deer in the corner of the oat patch before daylight. They both looked at it with their binoculars but could not tell what it was, it was just too dark. The deer was near Jeff's game cam and disappeared into the woods before they could tell if it was a legal buck or a doe. Last weekend, Frank pulled the memory card out of Jeff's camera and he checked it when he got back home. The deer they had seen was captured on the camera at 6:05 AM and it was a nice, legal eight point buck! Damn so close yet that is the way hunting goes sometimes.

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