Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dudley Bought A Temperature Gauge The Other Day ...

online. Dudley's old BBQ grill is about ready for the junk heap. It is burning through in a couple of places and the handles have disappeared. Frank found a good used custom built BBQ grill/smoker for sale recently when he went to East Texas to work on his deer stand and to plant a cover crop for the deer. Dudley's father in law went and acquired the grill in a trade. Frank and Jeff are going to go deer hunting this weekend and are going to get some wire brushes and remove any surface rust. He and Jeff are then going to repaint the outside of the grill and firebox and install a new temperature gauge. Hopefully they will be able to finish the work in time for the paint to dry so they can bring it back to the Dudley domicile. Dudley will be going hunting soon down in the Hill Country and will be bringing back three processed whitetail does. Dudley will be getting an additional buck and doe processed after his hunt so we will have plenty of deer meat in the freezer. We will be able to put the new BBQ grill/smoker to good use.

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