Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Frank Went Fishing Yesterday Down At The Creek ...

that runs by the Dudley domicile. He worked all day mowing yards for the lawn service and then came home and grabbed his fly rod and reel and went fishing. He had a good trip catching around ten bass and sunfish. He caught fish on top water popper, woolly bugger and he hooked a bigger fish on a clouser but it got off. Probably a two or three pound bass. He got some great photos with his cell phone camera. Dudley really likes the photo showing the bend in his fly rod from the nice long ear sunfish in the last picture. We are getting rain today and will be getting more rain for the next few days. Frank will have to wait for the water level to get back down before he makes another trip down to the creek. Dudley and Frank and Jeff and Lizzie are going fishing this weekend with a guide. Not for sure what lake we will be fishing yet but we will be fishing with live shad for Stripers. Looking forward to the trip as this guide knows his stuff and have always had a great time and have had many successful trips with him. Jeff is looking forward to catching his first Striped Bass and Dudley is looking forward to some Striper fillets on the grill.

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