Sunday, May 17, 2009


Dudley Signed Up For A New Service The Other Day ...

with his wireless phone carrier. It is a tracking program where Dudley and wife can track their children's whereabouts via a computer. Dudley signed up for a free 30 day trial. The cost after that will be 9.99 per month. I think it works by triangulation of the cell phone you are tracking between the three nearest cell phone towers. It is not perfectly accurate and has a margin of error of up to a couple of miles. In some cases it is dead on. Yesterday afternoon, Frank was at the ballgame in Arlington and Dudley checked the aerial map view out and it showed Frank to be at the ballpark somewhere in the area of the left field. I found out later that was where he and his buddies were sitting. If it utilized GPS and satellite technology, I am sure it would be more accurate but this is pretty cool the way it is. I bet a lot of people with teenage children are going to use this service. The Rangers won again today and are four and one half games out in first place. We got rained out at the ballpark a while back. This afternoon Dudley and daughter went over to Big Sis's home and picked up the unused tickets from the rained out game. Dudley is going to go by the ticket office this week and exchange the tickets for a couple of up coming games. Am going to try and get some tickets to a game with the Yankees and a game with the Astros. I hope the Rangers keep winning, it is a lot more fun to go to the ballgame when your team wins.

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